little bundles of fluff

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Wow, how pretty they are, sleek and shiny coats, ohh beautiful nails
As fast as fast cars or as slow as snails
Bumping and nudging, puring and chatting
But deadly and carnivorous, best not get trapped in
There clutches are so unrelenting and just vast
There eyes so deep, so pure, so clever so contrast
All different patterns there fur in itself creates
Loving, independant great friends they make
Loyal, well sometimes depends who you are
But most have two homes close bye, so not far
Some like snuggles some like cuddles some like laps
Some like solitude, and freedom but they all love naps
Can jump so far its like they can fly
They r so cunning and resourceful and sly
But they do love you unconditionally its true
But they will never really belong to only  just you
So enjoy them  while they allow you to
Because having a paddy cat can bring love to you

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