just not worth it

7 2 2

He picks up his keys from out the bowl and Pat's the dog good bye
Its 6am and his on shift another long day alive
Kids still snoring mums doing lunches, her day is full of chores
Dinner will be on the table as he walks back through the doors
50 hours a week he puts in and still this is not enough
Cant pay all the Bill's and buy grub this life is just so tough
Both so tired and beat, both ready to give up
But 2 little things keep them going
There little boys are enough
Each month they sit with calculator in hand
Trying to work out how everything went far from plan
The government penalise for every extra penny earnt
You never seem to get anywhere your heart and plans are burnt
Burnt by uncle Sam and all of his bloody taxes
Income tax, council tax, working tax are all at there maxes
This is no life to just get by, robbing peter to pay paul
No life to enjoy to see his boys grow not a life at all
But still he picks his keys up from the bowl and heads off out the door cos the smiles on his bubbles faces are worth so so much more.

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