if i die tomorrow

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If I died tomorrow

If I die tomorrow don’t be sad, I had great fun, went crazy went a little mad
My life in one poem well it will be hard to do, but here it is I’ll give it a go,but only just for you
So the start wasn’t great, it got better with siblings in so many ways
, stacie, David, terri, they thought me how to protect And I’ve watch them prove me proud eveyday
They gave me purpose, strength and so many grins
Best friends from the start, my own little team wins
We  all had  strengths, and all had our vices
But together in love, wasn’t always the nicest,
To each other, but that was ok,
Remember tomorrow is always another day.
There where times when things where hard, an dark times that left a shadow
but at 21 my real life started with Bailey and Bow
Bow she flies high over the rainbow
but Bailey held tight he knew I needed him to grow
And when he arrived my whole world changed
Every inch of my life moved, my head really rearranged
My heart no longer beated for only  just me
But now every second beat I couldnt  just feel I could see
You with that amazing smile,, big blue eyes and  that grip
You’ve held my hand so tightly since, never let me slip
And for a while it was just us against the rest
Didn’t need anyone, we had it, we got it, we did our best
Then one Saturday night cupid let go of a arrow and there u was, my world, my rock, my new tomorrow
Chris you showed me how to be loved, how to trust and know I’m enough
You taught me more then you will ever know, about who I am, what I’m good at and that it’s ok to grow.
I thought my god how lucky am I ,2 straight runs to my heart on the fly
But no god wasn’t done he had more for me to know, then sep08 there u was the one who would show
Me so much love and kindness in totally unique ways, your strength and courage I could never imagined in all of my days
Riley my baby boy u brighten any dark night, always be u and never change cos your perfectly right
I was bless with 3 men all there for me to adore but in truth they all care for me much more
Everyday I wakeup knowing I’m loved, knowing I’m enough and I won the fight the fight against the world that loves to grid u down, makes people so sad and unhappy and look with no sight
But a cruel thing happened to another, but from that darkness came some light, in the shape of a new little other
, one I’m so proud of for all he overcomes, keeps us on our toes keeps us on the run
The sase  of a stacie and the  love of a lion
Theres nothing I belive you could not try on
Never stop moving my little hunter, stay strong and tall cos you my fighter.
Now my life I belive is half way through and think I’ve done ok
I have 4 mazing men that I get to love more and more each and every  day
So if I did die tomorrow please DONT be sad cause if nothing else be proud  I did it my way

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