restore my faith 🙏

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I'm finding it hard to believe in much, when life around me fall apart
Makes faith and belief and love dwindle far  from my heart
Never seeing a light at the end of a tunnel, never feeling like I can breath
When people I love are in so much pain I find it hard to belive
I used to think life was fun, a advantage to be explored
Now I think it's just to hard, I find bad thoughts no longer make me bored.
It's easier I think to get lost in the daily rollercoaster and focus on the pain
Society has become so hard and hurtful caught up in materialistic things and being vain
I don't know how my brain has switched to such a negative view
I always was so hopeful so bright belived in a higher power and felt I knew
Exactly how my life plain would work, and that there was a happily ever after
But now I know no one has a instruction book no one is a master
We are all just winging it, in this thing called life
And all just holding on to the idea that one day we will get it right.
Now don't get me wrong my life ain't all bad,
I have love and smiles and laughter and stories that make me glad
I have travelled and had children who make me so very proud Every single day
But as I get older I feel my mind is loosing its own way
I know I need to work harder on this life of mine and try to make each day count
But more often then not I end my days with wishes to demount
Just get off this ride and just feel some inner peace in side
A smile that goes deeper then just my front vaniers and my grin that wide
I'm hoping for a better day that last monger then they do now
I'll make it through another day for sure some how.

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