"That means war!"

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It was a slow and quiet morning, no reason to get early to get things done. Well... there was a lot that needed to get to done, but you and Jihyun had agreed to sleep in, before you'd takle all the tasks. 
The smell of coffee floated into the room and was a gentle way to rouse you from your slumber. With a sigh, you stretched your arms over your head, refusing to open your eyes just yet, before you reached out for your boyfriend. Though all your hand found was an empty and cold mattress. You began to pout as you finally opened your eyes, because starting the day without cuddles from your favorite man? Not exactly how you had expected things to go. 
Although you had to admit that promise of fresh coffee was lifting your mood a little bit. 

You took a moment to look around the bedroom; the curtains were still drawn, so it was pretty dark. Jihyun had insisted on blackout curtains, because he didn't want to get woken as soon as the sun was up and that was totally fine with you. Letting your gaze wander further, you couldn't help but sigh as you saw all the boxes. There really was a lot to do, but as much as you knew how exhausting it would be, you also felt extremely giddy about the fact that you two had your own space together now and could decorate it however you wanted. No old, lingering memories, but a fresh start. 

The thought made a smile break out on your face and, with your bedhead and still rather sleepy, you crawled out of bed to shuffle into the kitchen, only paying the boxes in every room enough attention, so you wouldn't bump into any of them. 
As soon as you reached the kitchen, you stopped at the doorframe to take in the scene before you. The mint haired man had begun to find places for his cacti and was currently talking to them, while trying to figure out where to put which one. You still found it incredibly endearing that he did that and even named all of them. Admittedly, you still needed to try and remember most of them, but you were willing to do that.

After a moment, you finally waddled up to him and wrapped your arms around his waist, with your face pressed to his back. At first he flinched a bit, given that he was so lost in his thoughts, but then Jihyun immediately relaxed and rested his hands on top of yours
"Good morning, my love. I'm sorry, did I wake you?" 
You shook your head, unable to keep yourself from smiling. "I mean... Technically you did. Because the bed was cold without you. But I smelled coffee, so I might forgive you for robbing me of my morning cuddles."
That earned you a quiet laugh and your heart skipped a beat at the sound. After turning around in your arms, he wrapped his around you as well and dropped a kiss to the top of your head. "I'm really sorry... But you were sleeping so peacefully when I woke up and I thought you'd like to have coffee ready, when you wake up. That's why the coffee machine is the first thing that found it's place in our kitchen." 

You looked up at him just in time to see how his eyes gleamed when he said "our" and you felt the same way. It was exciting and still kind of like a dream, but there were no words to describe how happy all of that made you. 
"Mhm... You're absolutely right about that. Buuut, I have a question for you!" 
He tilted his way adorably to the side in a questioning manner. "And what would that question be?" 
For a moment your eyes fluttered shut as he brushed a strand of hair out of your face, before moving his hand down to cup your cheek and you leaned into the touch. 

"How did you sleep in our new home?", you asked with a wide smile and the way he smiled back at you could've easily turned you into a puddle. He was way too handsome for your poor, little heart to handle. 
"I think that was the best rest I've had in a long time", he nearly whispered and leaned in to gently bump his nose against yours. The action made you giggle and you got on your tiptoes to steal a quick kiss in return. 
"This is honestly a dream come true. I still can't believe we've found this house. It's everything I've ever wanted. And with you here? Absolutely perfect." 
Your cheeks turned a faint pink and you shoved him playfully, which caused him to chuckle again. Seeing you all flustered was something he'd probably never get tired of seeing. 
"Oh shush, you're getting all sappy again...", you muttered and, if only reluctantly, slowly pulled back to be able to help yourself to a cup of coffee. 

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