"I Adore You..."

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It all started during Jihyun's first art exhibition, after his self-healing journey. Not only that, but it was also the first one that was all about his paintings and not his photographs. So it was a new experience, one that left him a little nervous. 
While he would've usually picked up his sketchbook to draw, in order to ease his nerves, that was no option during an event like that. So he was somewhat fidgety and tense. 

That's when you grabbed the first pen you could find, handed it to him and offered that he could simply draw on your arm. It was the first thing that came to your mind. At first he was a little hesitant, but after some encouragement and telling him that you were absolutely fine with it, he eventually gave in. He started with the tattoo on your wrist; It was a simple one, just the outlines of a heart. Perfect to fill with random shapes, making it nearly look like a mandala. 

Later he started drawing more. Usually anything that came to his mind in that moment, which were usually flowers, trees, the rough shapes of mountains or a simplified landscape. Anything that was possible to look somewhat nice, drawn on skin with a simple pen. 
But seeing how it actually helped him to calm down again, you made it a habit to carry pens in basically all your purses, even making sure to have a variety of colors, so your boyfriend could go all out and be as artistic as he wanted. 

Of course there would always be people that gave you strange looks, probably because wearing a nice dress for any sort of event like that, paired with doodles and sketches on your arms were kind of a stark contrast. 
In all honesty though, you couldn't have cared less. After all, Jihyun was always there to support and comfort you, whenever necessary. And in turn you happily did the same for him. Not to mention that you always adored everything he left on your skin. More often than not, you made sure to take pictures of whatever he drew on you. 

It was during another event, where he ran on very little sleep, since he'd been on a time-crunch to finish the last piece, when you noticed that he was once again rather tense and not all too talk-aktive. You two didn't need any words to understand what the other one needed. Him taking your hand and giving it a squeeze was enough for you to get the hint. 
After reaching into your purse, you held the pens in one hand, while holding out your other arm, that was now serving as a small canvas. 

As always, you were curious to see what he would draw and this time, he settled for some very delicate and minimalistic flowers, paired with a crescent moon, making it look like they grew out of it. You immediately fell in love with the design and made a mental note to definitely take a picture of that as well. 
"Are those forget-me-nots?", you asked eventually, to which the artist nodded, too focused on his work. Your entire face lit up at that. "Those are some of my favorite flowers..." 
Now that was something that actually made him look up and his expression softened. "I'll keep that in mind", he murmured and, like magnets, you got drawn to one another, until your lips met in a brief kiss. Afterwards he went back to finish the small drawing on your arm. 

When you returned home that night, you had asked him to take some pictures of everything, but then refused to wash it off, just yet. Instead you were standing in front of the mirror in your shared bedroom, shifting your arm this and that way, as an idea hit you. 
Though you got pulled out of your thoughts when you felt arms encircle your waist from behind, with a warm chest pressing into your back, which you leaned into with a quiet hum. 

"Are you sure you're really fine with me doing that all the time?", Jihyun spoke up, his voice quiet as his fingertips brushed slowly over the lines on your forearm. The touch sent a shiver down your spine and for a moment you closed your eyes. "I've seen the way people looked at you. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." 
With a chuckle, you turned around in his arms, so you were able to cup his cheeks in your hands, your thumbs stroking over his cheekbones. 
"Darling... I really don't care how other people look at me. If you drawing on me helps, as I've told you before, I'm more than happy to be your living canvas for the day." Your tone was light, cheerful, and it was honestly the truth. Besides, it gave you the opportunity to watch him up close, when he got lost while he drew on you. And that was honestly always endearing and adorable. "I loved every single piece you've left on my skin, so far. And I'll always wear them proudly."

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