Seashells, waves and kisses

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A gentle breeze carried salty air into the bedroom through the open windows, making the curtains sway ever so slightly and the movement caused some beams of light to occasionally slip through the small openings. And with the sunlight continuously landing on his face, Jihyun slowly but surely got roused form his slumber. 
Letting out quiet grumbling noises, he turned around and reached out for you, only to find an empty bed. He finally cracked one eye open and began to pout. Here he'd been hoping for morning cuddles on your vacation, but had to wake up alone instead. 

Though rather than continuing to mope, he decided to get up and look for you. The house wasn't all too big, so it shouldn't have been too difficult to find you. And as soon as he padded out of the bedroom and into the living room, he was able to see you sitting on the wooden patio, a coffee mug in hand and a blissful expression on your face. 
He allowed himself to just take you in for a moment, how content you seemed as you looked out towards the sea. But then his eyes fell on something else and made his cheeks flush a faint red. You were wearing one of his shirts, which was more of a short dress on you. Even though it wasn't the first time that you wore his clothes, it never failed to make him feel all warm and fuzzy. 

Without any further hesitation, he walked quietly up to you and leaned down to drop a kiss to the top of your head. The bright smile he got in return made his heart skip. 
"Good morning~ Did you sleep well?", you smiled and reached out to take his hand, giving it a light squeeze as your boyfriend settled down in the chair next to you. 
"Hmm. But it would've been even better, if I had gotten to woke up next to you." 
The pout he aimed at you made you chuckle and you leaned closer to peck his lips. 
"We have a couple more days for that. I promise I'll stay in bed tomorrow. But... It was just too tempting to sit out here. I knew that the sound of waves is relaxing, though actually hearing them in real life, and not just in a video, is an entirely different experience!" 

His expression softened immediately and, when he noticed how you constantly pushed the sleeves up whenever they slid down and covered your hands, he pulled one arm closer to himself and rolled the sleeves up to your elbows. Then repeated it on the other side as well. Even if it was something seemingly minor to do, it still made you smile warmly at him. The small ways of him taking care of you making your heart beat faster.
"So I assume you enjoy your first beach vacation?", he hummed and stole the coffee mug from you to take a sip of it. 
"Very much. Thank you, Jihyun... Although I have to admit that when you talked about going on a vacation, I didn't expect you to take me to a house that includes a private beach. Sometimes you really make me forget that Jumin isn't the only one with a lot of money", you added chuckling and he answered with a cheeky grin. 

"What can I say, sometimes I just really like to surprise you, my love. Now. How about we take a walk, before it gets too hot?" 
"Only if I can keep your shirt on and we collect seashells." 
Who was he to say no to his girlfriend, when you looked at him with such excitement? 
"We can do anything you want", he smiled.
After pressing another kiss to his lips, you nearly jumped up to grab a small bag. Jihyun watched you in amusement for a moment, before he went back into the bedroom to change into a pair of shorts and a short sleeved shirt, which he only buttoned up halfway. And, of course, he had to take his camera along. Because there was no way he wouldn't document as much of your first vacation together as possible. 

He was well aware that you'd give him an eye roll for that, probably tell him that he should focus more on enjoying the moment, than trying to capture it in a picture, but he couldn't help it. Especially when you were around. 
Although to his surprise, none of it happened and instead you grabbed his hand, as soon as he exited the bedroom again, and pulled him along towards the sea. 

The sand under your feet was warm, but since it was still rather early, it hadn't gotten too heated up by the sun just yet. With every step closer to the water, the crashing of waves got louder, the water looking as though it was glittering with the way the light hit it. But nothing, in his opinion, was as bright as your smile, the way your eyes gleamed as you took in the scenery before you, the occasional squeeze you gave his hand when you saw something that excited you or caught your attention. 

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