"I won't leave."

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For the first time in years, you felt truly happy. Things were going great, everything seemed to be falling into place. Recently, you even moved into your dream house with Jihyun.
Moving had been exhausting, but the outcome of finally having everything in place and just the way you two wanted your home to look like made it all worth it.
All in all; Things were perfect.

Though over time, there was this voice in the back of your head. At first quiet, whispering and planting a small fear inside your heart. Until it eventually grew louder and louder. Threatening to suffocate you with every passing day.
Things were going too well. And that usually ended in heartbreak for you.

"My love?", his voice pulled you out of your thoughts, making you blink a couple times. "Is everything okay?"
His eyes were filled with worry and he reached out to take your hand, giving it a light squeeze. It was grounding. Still you had to swallow thickly as you debated whether or not you should tell him about what was troubling you.

It felt silly, because that man never showed you anything but unconditional love, so there was no need to be worried, right?
But then it had always been like that before... People telling you it didn't work out anymore, out of the blue. With no prior indicator that something had been wrong.

A lump began to form in your throat, the more you thought about it.
You weren't sure you could survive another heartbreak like that. Not this time. Not when you were so sure to have met the love of your life. That one person you wanted to spent the rest of your life with.

"Please talk to me... Whatever it is that's on your mind, please tell me."
"I-", you began, swallowing thickly once again, trying to hold back the tears that already began to form at the corners of your eyes. "You're gonna leave me... It's just a matter of time."

Your boyfriend was quiet, lips slightly parted in shock at your exclamation, turquoise eyes big and round.
"Why would you think that? Did I do anything to make you feel like I'd leave you?" He pulled your hand closer, now clasping it in both of his. "I would never even think about leaving you."

Oh, how you wanted to believe him. But you were scarred from the past. Scarred from the many times people have just left you behind, with no explanation, after claiming so often how much they loved you.
"They always say they're going to stay, that they'll stay forever. But after a week, a month, a year, everyone always leaves. You say you wont leave me but... What if you do?"

The first tear fell, rolling down your cheek and Jihyun was quick to reach out, his touch ever so gentle on your skin, as he wiped it away with the pad of his thumb. You instinctively leaned into his hand, your eyes squeezed shut.
"Y/N... I won't leave you, no matter what. You're my everything, my heart. You're the one who showed me what it's really like to love and be loved, in a healthy way", he began.

At first when he pulled his hands back, your eyes flew open in sheer panic. Was he about to take everything he said back? Was he gonna tell you that it won't work out because of your irrational fears?
Though your frantic thoughts came to a rattling halt the second his arms wrapped around your slightly trembling frame.
The embrace was warm. Soothing. Making you feel like he was mending your broken pieces back together with his love. Preventing you from falling apart completely.
And you? You were pretty much holding on to him for dear life. Fingers digging into the soft fabric of his cardigan, with your face buried on his neck.

The nasty, little voice inside your head was still there, though. Still loud. Telling you that he was too good for you. That he'd find someone better and leave you behind in the end.
"I don't know who was stupid enough to let you go", he whispered and you felt the vibration in his chest, with hiw close you were, "but I won't do that. It would make no sense to leave the love of my life. You're stuck with me until we're gray and old. With a bunch of grandkids running around the garden."

His voice, smooth and gentle, yet firm enough to leave no room to doubt the honesty in every single word that left his lips, was what led you forward. Out of the fog and twisted labyrinth that occupied your ming. The nasty voice getting quieter with every step you took, until it died down completely. Making you feel lighter than you had in days.

"I won't leave. I promise with all my heart that I won't ever leave you. I couldn't."
He began to rock you slightly from side to side, one hand rubbing soothing circles into your back, while the other one was buried in your hair. "I love you too much. And I won't go anywhere, unless you tell me you don't want me anymore."
"Well, I'm sorry to inform you that you're forever stuck with me, then", you mumbled with your lips pressed against his skin, followed by a quiet sniffle.

Jihyun pressed his lips to the top of your head and you felt him smile. The way he held you even tighter slowly easing you into relaxing again. You felt safe in his arms. And a part of you knew that your heart would be safe with him as well.
"I like the sound of that", was his answer.

He had never given you a reason to doubt his feelings or intentions with you. You two had always been upfront when something was bothering you, so you could immediately work it out, before it only had the potential to snowball into a big mess.
And maybe telling him about your fears was the step you needed to start leaving the past hurt behind and focus on the happy future ahead of you with the man you loved and who loved you just as much in return.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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