chapter 2 ~The Divorce~

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That night was one of the worst nights of my life. Even after everything I had been through, things got even worse, over the next couple of months my parents got a divorce and my sister and I were devastated. I couldn’t help but look back on all the fun we had, we did things like have karaoke nights, and my best friend Kenzi would come over and we all would go out and eat dinner together .Then tragedy struck once again when me and my sister were separated. She ended up moving in with our grandmother Agatha and I moved with my aunt Emily.

Even though I was forced to transfer to a new school, I was okay with it. The only problem I had was missing my old friends, and then a girl asked me if she could sit down and eat breakfast with me. She seemed kinda preppy, and I did not do preppy so I just kinda just nodded and didn’t really say anything, she asked me what my name was, but I didn’t respond. She seemed nice and friendly, like she was really trying to get to know me. But I really didn’t feel like dealing with her, so I left her sitting there by herself. I rushed to my first period, which was algebra and prayed that it went by quickly and to my pleasure, it did.  My second period turned out to be a lot of fun, my teacher; Ms. Welch was one of the best teachers that I had in a long time. She was a history teacher, but she would always let us watch movies instead of doing work. On the first day, Ms, Welch assigned us seats, and I found myself sitting next to the same preppy girl from breakfast, Zoe. As class went on we became really good friends, despite of how preppy she was. We even ended up having a lot of things in common like a few TV shows.

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