chapter 9 ~My Real Family History~

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As me and Ross got back from the mall and put all my clothes away in my room. But as I did that I almost forgot what he was telling me who Akasha was before Rydel came to visit so I asked, “What were you telling me before about Akasha?”. “Oh yeah I almost forgot about that uh you should sit down” he suggested so I did “uh… she is your real mother” he said to me in a low voice. “Wait what? She’s my real mom but how can that be, so I’ve been living with people that aren’t actually my family” I said confused “umm yeah sorry but there’s a reason why she gave you to them” he said.

“The reason is that she just wanted you to be safe and live a normal life but she did want you back when you turned sixteen so she could explain everything to you by then because that’s when your powers come in” he tried to explain to me. “Ok but I just don’t really understand how she could do this to me… but wait then who is my father?” I asked sadly, “well he was the most powerful crafter of all and his name was Marcus but when you were born he died protecting you from Silas that was after you… well still is” he said sadly. “Wow I had no idea this must be some really difficult stuff going on” I said almost in tears. “I am so sorry you had to find out this way Sutton” he said in a sweet voice and he hugged me and I just let out my tears and we went in the living room and sat down together. By then I was just lying my head on his shoulder he was really confronting as well as he rubbed my back up and down gently “Sutton it’s going to be ok” he said soothingly “thanks” I whimpered when I looked up at him we looked into each other’s eyes and he wiped the tears off my face then he leaned and got closer and closer then I leaned in breaking the space between us and actually kissed but it lasted for a couple seconds.

Then we stopped and it just got kind of awkward by then. “Sorry” he said “n-no its fine thanks for cheering me up and helping me get through all this” I said even though that was a weird thing for me to say since we just kissed. “Umm yeah you're welcome” he said smiling at me then I went upstairs and went in my room. I was thinking about what had just happened even though I was really upset about my family of course. But that kiss was just so different and I think I might even felt a spark it was just so amazing I couldn’t stop thinking about it though even when I suddenly just took a nap.

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