Chapter 36 ~This Means War~

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“Get up!” Silas said pulling my hair “wha… what are you doing let me go! Where’s Ross?” I said trying to look for him as he pulled me out “oh please you’ll see him soon so shut the hell up” he said as we went to the back yard and it was a full cemetery and I saw Ross tied up still weak and then at this platform I saw a little basket and it looked like something moving in it “what is this?” I said “oh well this is the harvest for your daughter I just thought you too would like to see the show” he said grinning “you’re a sick pathetic man you know that right?” I said “well that’s no way to talk to…” he started to say just when I saw Rocky throw a blade right at Silas “Rocky! I’m so glad you’re here” I said happy to see him “yeah all of us are” he said as untied the rope off my hands and I gave him a hug and he went to Ross to untie him “Ross? Hey you ok?” Rocky said trying to wake him up “wha…Rocky oh I’m so happy to see you” he said weak but excited as well “yeah bro it’s me all of us are here to get all of you out of here” he said then I ran over to my baby to grab her then someone from behind hit me “Sutton look out!” I heard Ross try to yell for me then I looked up to see Akasha there “hey do you really think this is over I don’t think so” she said grabbing me by my hair and threw me “powers of the witches rise course unseen across the skies come to us who call you neat come to us and settle here” I said using my magic against Akasha and I absorbed all of her magic as she fell to the ground because once you absorb another witches power she will become really weak. “Yeah not so powerful now are you” I said and kicked her hard in her side.

“Ugh…you’re going to pay for this” she said in pain “whatever” I said and grabbed Davina “hey baby girl your ok” I said running towards the family and every single one of the servants came out even Sasha and she really did look mad and now it was against us vs. them. Now it really was war “Rydel I want you to take Davina and go far away from here as you can I’ll find you when where done here ok?” I asked her “ok but what about you guys?” she asked “we’ll be fine ok but please go take her and go somewhere now!” I said “ok I will” she said “I love you guys” I said and kissed Davina’s head “thank you” I said and hugged her “yeah you too” she said then took off then all of us got ready and it began. We were all fighting against them I was the one to fight against Sasha “you’re going to die for what you did and I’ll make sure of it to make a slow painful death” she said gritting her teeth “oh yeah come at me then but just to let you know your father deserved what he got using my family for this stupid harvest thing and then I found out my own mother was against us which makes no sense to me at all” I said “wait what? Sense when was your mom a part of this” she asked shocked “you didn’t know?” I said surprised “no I didn’t” she said. Then I went over to where I left her and she wasn’t there but also everybody was about done with the vamps killing everyone of them “were the hell did she go?” I said then Sasha sneaked up behind me without me knowing and stabbed me in my back on my shoulder almost coming through the other side and I fell to the ground and Sasha took off pulling out the dagger then Ross saw me “Sutton!” he yelled and came right over to my side “S-Sutton you’re going to be ok” he said trying to keep pressure on my wound “R-Ross I don’t t-think so” I said hitching on my last breaths “yes you are don’t you dare say that somebody please call an ambulance or something!” he yelled desperately “ugh Ross I-I l-ove you” I said “Dr. Wade is on his way now!” Ryland said leaning down beside him “please hold on Sutton I can’t lose you” he said tears brimming to his eyes “I-I can’t I’m s-sorry but p-p-please promise me that you w-will move o-on and take care of D-Davina also I-I want you to keep h-her powers a secret I d-don’t want her to g-go through a-all of this again” I said tears streaming down my face “no you’re not going anywhere you’re not leaving us do you hear me you’re not going anywhere” he said sternly “p-promise m-me” I said then I was gone. “Sutton! Sutton no wake up come on please please don’t go come on please” he said trying to bring me back “Ross I’m so sorry…she’s gone” Stormie said and everybody coming over to us “no I can’t lose her somebody please bring her back I can’t I just can’t lose her… baby please just come back” he said leaning me up rocking back and forth “baby I’m so sorry” she said as she hugged him “mom please I can’t lose her” he said. Then Dr. Wade finally arrived “hey I’m here…oh no I didn’t make it in time did I?” he said “no I’m afraid you didn’t” Mark said looking down. “Jeez Ross I’m so sorry I tried my best to get as fast as I could” he said “just please can all of you just back off a little please” he said angered as they gave him some space.

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