chapter 4 ~Starting a Whole New Life~

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“Sutton!” I heard Emily calling for me when I arrived home. “Yeah” I said, “come back here, I’m in the kitchen” she said, so as I went to my room first to put my book bag down. She asked how my day went like always I told her that it actually went very well then usual but I felt something different about myself though but I didn’t tell her that anyways. Emily said to me “well I’m glad to hear that”. Then she asked me what I wanted for dinner and I told her “pizza would be fine”.

“Ok then it will be ready in a few” she said and I just smiled. When I went back to my room I sat down and I was about listen to some music but a big bang was at the door that made me jump. I got up and asked Emily “what’s going on!” she just told me “get out of here now!” if she even got out of there in time but there was a big man that was really scary looking and I went out the window and waited for Emily like we would if there was a fire like she’s told me before. I was really scared if something had happen to her. Then I heard a loud scream and I was freaking out but then Emily came out of the window and had a cut on her head we got into her car and took off.

As I said to Emily what the heck was going on she told me that I come from a long line of witches so I guess that’s why I’ve been feeling so strange lately well that’s how it usually is in those witch movies, anyways she was so post to protect me from these Vamps that where after me. So I asked her why they're after me. She told me that I’ve been in a lot of trouble that I didn’t even know about I said “what kind of trouble?” she just said “it’s hard to explain right now”. So then I asked “where we are going Em?” she told me that she was going to take me to my new protectors house and said that he was the best protector that I could ever have for some reason anyways and she told me that I might even think he’s really cute but I couldn’t really express what was going on still not even if he was.

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