chapter 6 ~The Witch Trainer~

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The next morning, was ok as I awoke but I thought I just dreamt that I was a witch and all that stuff happened was made up but it was halfly good because come on I’m staying with Ross but anyways I got up and got half way to the stairs and I smelled eggs, bacon, and pancakes which I really loved for breakfast. When I went down the stairs there I saw Ross cooking breakfast and he just seemed like a really sweet guy already. “Hey you're awake made some breakfast” he said, “thanks” I said just smiling at him when I saw him with no shirt on it was even better to just see him so gorgeous in person but he caught me “enjoying the view?” he asked joking with me “what?” I asked snapping out of my thoughts “never mind” he laughed. Then I asked him, “You need any help with that?” I asked he said “no you’re fine it’s the least I can do after what happen last night you know”.

“Ok then” I said, afterwards he got done fixing the breakfast he sat down and then I realized I asked Ross a random question, “so what kind of species are you I mean are you anything like me?” I asked randomly. “I’m a wolf” he said to me just looking awkwardly. “Oh wow that’s awesome” I said awkwardly but hey wolves are the hot ones… even some vampires as well. “Thanks I guess” he grinned. “So today I’m going to talk to you about your witch trainer and then later on we can go to the mall” he said.

“Awesome can’t wait” I said excitedly “well you know you have to use your powers wisely just not for fun” Ross said seriously. “Ok I understand I’ve seen a bunch of witch movies before” I said “oh and who is going to train me all of this anyways?” I added “Akasha Sanderson she is the best witch trainer that anyone has known” he said. “Well that’s great and Akasha? That’s a pretty name seems different can’t wait to get started” I said “also there's something that you don’t know she is you’re…” “Knock knock” Ross got up to answer the door and as he opened it, there was a girl that had blonde hair and she was pretty and I didn’t know what to think because she gave Ross a hug and I couldn’t see her face that well then Ross said “hey Sutton, I want you to come meet my sister” “hi! I’m Sutton” I said smiling in relief walking up to them “hi my name is Rydel and of course I already know who you are” she said “yeah I know you too I’m a big fan of R5” I said excitedly “oh are you? Awesome” she said smiling.

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