I Time Travel for Love - 18

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I Time Travel for Love #18

Nikki and I ran up the back stairs because the elevator was in the front room and we didn't want to be seen until we were dressed and ready. We reached the third floor, panting. I laughed at Nikki because she was exaggerating her panting.

"We made it..." Nikki says, out of breath. "We did." I giggle slightly out of breath. "Welcome home, Ms.Williams and Ms.Williams" The house says to us.

We walk into the room and I have a big smile on my face. A wave of happiness passes over me. Just hearing the house call me Ms.Williams makes me happy for some reason. Nikki takes my bags from me and leads me to the closest.

"Get in." She says, pointing at the closet.

"I don't mind getting dressed in front of you." I say, rolling my eyes at her. 

"Ugh, I know that. Just get in and close your eyes...oh and don't be scared if things...touch you?" She says, looking confused.

"fine..." I breath. Ive learned not to question anything Nikki tells me to do.

I step into the closet and the door closes itself behind me. I notice that the light dim to a soft blue. I stand in the small spotlight that is casted from above the closet.

"Please stand still for the remainder of the dressing, make up, and hair process." The computer says to me.

I do as it says and stand still. I close my eyes, as I see the lights dim, almost to black. I feel something tugging at my shirt, but before I can react, my shirt and pants are off of me. This is really strange, I think to myself. I feel light pads along my body, as if somebody was patting me lightly with powder. The smell of powder and perfume hits my senses. I sneeze slightly and my arms get lifted. I move my head to the start and try to open my eyes, but the computer stops me.

"Please relax and stand still, Ms. Williams." It says. I smile and stand still.

I feel brushes along my face and my hair. This must be the makeup and hair process, I think. My hair seems to be getting dried or something. My arms are lifted again and I'm getting sprayed again. I notice the lights get a bit brighter as I hear Nikki's voice.

"Okay you can come out now." She says on the other end of the closet.

I step out of the closet, slowly. Nikki smiles at me and I smile back hesitantly. She points at a full length mirror and I walk over to it. I stand in front of the mirror and my mouth hangs open a bit in shock. How could a closet turn me from just normal, to this person I don't even recognize? And all in less then ten minutes. "Wow, I love the future." I say. Nikki laughs and heads into the same closet I was just in. "I'll be right out." She says.

As I wait for Nikki to finish, I feel the butterflies in my stomach as I'm nervous to meet new people. When Nikki comes out of the closet I smile widely as she looks as beautiful as ever. "You look so beautiful." I tell her. She smiles and thanks me. "Come on, let's head down." She says. We head out of the room and into the elevator. I watch as we start heading down. I can see us getting closer and I gulp.

"Don't be so nervous. You will do fine." Nikki says. I smile at her and nod. As the doors of the elevator open, we walk out and head into the living room. I see three couples there waiting for us. Two men, Josh, Mike, and three other women. I smile politely and wait to be introduced. "Hey girls. You two look great." Mike says, as he pulls me in for a hug. I sigh softly into him, as I already missed being in his arms. I smile as I feel him rub my back comfortingly and pulls away.

"Well everyone, this is Annabel. Annabel, this is Ricardo and his wife Lizet. Andrew and his fiance, Cynthia. Trisha, Josh's date." He finishes. I smile at them all and give them a small wave. My eyes linger on Trisha, Josh's date. I watch as she smiles at me and I smile at her, a bit embarrassed at being caught staring at her. She is beautiful and lives up to Josh's expectations. I'm not sure why, but it bothers me that he would move on so quickly. I frown slightly, knowing that I'm being selfish. I notice Josh look at me with a confused look on his face and I look down quickly. 

Mike puts his arm around me and gives me a light squeeze. "Are we all ready to go?" Mike asks. "Ready as ever." Ricardo says. I smile as we start walking. We head outside and I pause and stare at the ship. It's absolutely breathtaking. I hear Mike chuckle and feel his lips touch my cheek lightly. "It's not like it's your first time seeing a ship, love." He teases. I roll my eyes teasingly and continue walking into the ship. "You nervous?" Mike asks me. "I'm not going to lie, I am. I know I will be safe with you though."I smile lovingly up at him and place a small kiss on his lips.

I see his smile on his face and it only brings laughter. "You look so beautiful, Annie. If you continue kissing me like that, I'll have to cancel the unavailing and spend the day in bed with you." He says. I feel my cheeks get warmer and warmer, as his idea sounds great. "Is that a promise?" I say, as I wink at him and continue to walk, leaving him behind and giggling at his shocked face. I see Nikki with her fiance as she signals for me to sit by her.

The seating arrangements are shaped in an oval and are spacious. I smile at the women, and Josh. "You excited?" Nikki asks. I nod and smile nervously. "Yes and nervous." I say, letting out a small giggle. "Ah, you will be fine. Mike, Ricardo, and Andrew won't let anything happen to the ship...so you are safe." She joked. I feel a small tap on my shoulder and look around. In front of me stands Trisha. I smile politely at her. "Hey. Can I get you anything to drink?" She asks. "Oh. No, that's okay thank you." I say, as I smile at her. "Are you sure? It's going to be my job on the ship anyways." She giggled. I looked back at her and noticed her gray-blue eyes. She seemed like a nice girl so I should be proud of Josh and happy for him. "Oh you will be working on the ship?" I asked her curiously. 

On the way to the event, Trisha and I talked about pretty much everything. I came to find out that Trisha was going to be working in the ship as a stuerdist, she had a son who was four, and she was going to school to be a pilot. Her beauty was only a plus to her brains. When we arrived to the event, both of us were in laughter on how her and Josh had met. "He seriously asked you if you were a babysitter and made up he had a son just so he could talk to you?" She nodded and laughed. "Wow, Josh." I looked at him and shook my head jokingly. "Don't make fun of me, I only did what came to my mind at the time." He said. I was happy that everything between Josh and I was going back to normal. 

As they approached the event, Annabel heard Mike's voice over the speaker. We will be landing soon, please take your seats. Annabel steadied herself and sat still. She smiled at Nikki as she gave her a wink. Not more then three minutes later and they had landed. Annabel watched as Mike walked closer to her. He extended his hand and she took his hand. He lifted her lightly and smiled down at her. "You ready, Bel?" He asked her. Annabel nodded as she looked in to his eyes. She felt as though she could never breathe properly around him. She watched as his eyes dropped to look at her lips. Annabel licked her lips, nervously and the next thing she knew, Mike was ducking his head. She felt his lips on hers, as she closed her eyes.

The kiss made her heart throb. She felt as though she could just melt against him. The kiss was soft, but demanding. She felt as his tongue teased the outside of her bottom lip. She opened her mouth and tried to get closer to him. She touched her tongue to his and let out a soft sigh as he placed his hand on her lower back. She felt him push her against him. Annabel was so lost in the kiss that she had forgotten they weren't alone. She heard someone clear there throat, as someone else giggled. She blushed and backed away from Mike. She heard Mike chuckle lightly. "Sorry." She mumbled. She felt Mike's arms wrap around her securely. "It's okay, love. You can do that any time you would like." He teased. 

After Mike suggested they should get going, they all walked towards the exit. Annabel wasn't sure what to expect, but she was excited. As they opened the door, she realised it was dark, but light blue lights were lighting a path. She felt Mike's arm wrap around her as he brought her closer to him. "Stay close to me...and relax." He smiled down at her, placing a small kiss on her cheek. She smiled as that's all she needed to relax her. They walked along the path and she noticed a large dome at the end of the path. She gasped as she saw big blue creatures at either side of the entrance. They seemed to look like big lizards. "Just creatures of this planet, they won't harm you." Mike said softly. 

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