I Time Travel For Love (chp.16)

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Sorry this took a while. Didn't have the internet for a month. It was a pretty depressing month haha.


tarav500- Awesome fan that loves me :D I feel so special when I talk to her.

Noahheels- Cool new writter on here. Very good with the whole fantasy/scifi thing. Check him out. LCMelendez- Her stories = GREATNESS!!!

I Time Travel For Love (chp.16)


I'm laying on top of Bel with the best kind of euphoric feeling. I can hear her heart beating frantically through her breast. I inhale her intoxicating smell of sunflowers. I'm so glad the house is empty because my little pixie sure could scream. Knowing that I'm probably getting too heavy on top of her petite form, I roll over and bring her on top of me. She sighs and nuzzles into my neck. I feel that I'm laying on what feels like paper. I reach for it and read what it says out loud.

"Pro's and con's...Mike and Josh." Annabel groans and tries to take away the paper.

"What is this, Bel?" I ask.

"Nothing. Just a list. I knew I had to choose..." She says, giving up on trying to take the paper from me.

"So...how many points do I get for what we just did?" I tease.

"Isn't it obvious?" She whispers.

"What do you mean?" She touches her lips to mine and looks me in the eyes. Her beautiful green eyes are full or warmth and love. I don't know what I would do if it wasn't me she chose to be with for the rest of her life.

"I choose you, mike." She smiles at me and my heart melts.

I don't give her a response because words can't explaine how I feel right now. Instead I roll us over so that I'm on top of her. I take her mouth passionately and she giggles. I taste her wonderful laughter and it infects me. I start to laugh with her.

"Where is everyone?" She asks.

"Mom and dad went to the big house. Nikki and Cory went home. Josh left to the big house. We have the cabin all to ourselves."

"I still can't believe you guys call this place a cabin."

"Wasn't this what they looked like in the past. Mom had an architect specially make it look from the past. Even the appliances and furniture."

"In the past, this would be considered a secluded mansion." She laughs.

"Wait until you see the big house." I say. I kiss her neck and I feel her shiver under me. I move down to her breat and place small butterfly kisses around her nipple. It hardens and I hear her moan. I take it hungrily in my mouth and she arches her back in response.


After the second time Mike and I make love I decide to take a warm shower. Mike is soundly sleeping next to me. I get up and go to the bathroom. I get in and give a comand 'water on seventy-three degrees' the water turns on to the perfect temperature.

I love the decision I made. I've always kind of known it would be Mike in the end. He makes me feel different in a good way. My body is soar and I feel a bit of pain in my woman area, but it hardly bothers me.

When I'm done showering I wrap a towel around me and brush my hair out. I grab my blowdryer that I brought from home and dry my hair out. A sudden urge of hunger hits me. It feels like I'm going to pass out if I don't eat. I haven't eaten all day and I'm starving. I check the time above the mirror and it reads 5:25pm. No wonder Im starving.

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