I Time Travel For Love (chp.13)

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I Time Travel for Love (chp.13)

Okay so please vote and comment if you like my story! I really had a lot of fun writting this chapter! Thanks everyone for reading!


It's been four days since I came back to 2010. I have been spending my days locked in my room. My mom keeps coming in to check on me. She wanted to take me to the doctors, but I begged her not to. I start school in a week and I really don't want to go. I wonder if my mom will let me home school.

There is a sound coming from my computer. I check the computer and I have an instant message. It is fom a screen name I don't know.

undercovertraveler09: Hello. Is this Annabel?

hugnlove11: Yeah? Who is this?

undercovertraveler09: My name is Jake and I know what you are.

Okay this is starting to freak me out. What does he mean who I am? What am I?

hugnlove11: Is this a joke?

undercovertraveler09: No. I time travel just like you. I can help you.

hugnlove11: Oh yeah? o.O how is that?

Suddenly I hear a thump sound coming from my closet. This is too creepy. I run to my bed and get under the covers. What am I doing? How are the covers going to protect me. I reach for my phone and start to dial 911. I have it written on my screen. I will press talk if I need to.

The door opens and I try to yell, but the figure jumps on me and covers my mouth. What is happening? Is this how I'm going to die? Images of Josh, Mike, Simon, Madie, Nikki, and my mom pop in my head.

"Shh don't scream please. I come in peace." The mystery figure says. The voice is deep, but he has a hint of sweetness in his voice that makes me trust him. I open my eyes to see whos on top of me.

He looks like he's about twenty. He has spiky brown hair, green eyes, and full lips. He is built. I can tell because he is getting pretty heavy on top of me.

He looks down at me with so much warmth in his eyes. You would think he was looking down at a cute little puppy.

"I won't scream just get off of me!" I yell.

He quickly gets off of me and stands there. I can see that he is tall and he's still looking at me like i'm some poor sick puppy. He starts to laugh.

"What! Why do you keep looking at me like that? And are you some kind of alien? You come in peace? If you do why were you hiding in my closet!" I yell at him.

"I'm sorry. It's just your so young. I'm not used to seeing you like this. Your so pretty."

"What do you mean your not used to seeing me like this?"

"Oh...I...um...know you in the future. You still are pretty in the future though. I just uh nevermind." He says looking away.

"Okay so who are you and what are you doing here?" I ask him.

"Well you sent me here my name is Jake. The guy from the computer. I'm a traveler like you." He said matter of factly.

"I sent you here?"

"Yeah...well you in the future."

"Is there more travelers?" I ask him curiously.

"Yeah there is, but you won't meet any of them til' a little bit later." He said smiling at me.


It's been four days since I have seen Annabel. I can't beleive she left. Why did we have to be fighting. When she said we couldn't be together I shouldn't of just brushed it off. I'm an idiot, a jerk, an ass. Everything bad is me.

I have been reading books about the milky way and how some scientist think if you passes through it at a certain speed and time it is like a time warp.

There is a journal of a man in our time that claims he has done it. He gives the calculations and states he went to the year 1988. I'm trying to figure out what the calculations would be to go to the year 2010. I have much help from my computer. I know Mike would be much better at this, but we haven't spoke since she left.

I know it's not his fault. I shouldn't have let her go. Mike has always loved her he just didn't want to get in my way. I respect him for that. Once he thought I had moved on well he made his move. Why did I have to bring Mariah over that night? That reminds me, I need to break up with her.

"Hey Josh, can we talk?" Mike's voice says from the door.

I quickly save my calculations and give a demand for the computer to sleep.

"Yeah I guess we need to" I say turning around to face Mike.

"First of all, I'm sorry. I know how you feel for Annie, but I thought you were with Mariah."

"Annabel is the only one I have ever loved. Mariah was just a fling that I desperately regret."

Mike sighs and goes to sit on my bed. He runs his hands through his hair and closes his eyes.

"I love her, Josh." He says.

"I love her too, Mike." I say also sighing and closing my eyes.

"You know, it's up to her to decide." "Yeah I know. We shouldn't fight. Fair is fair."

"I know your trying to go to her. I saw what you were researching. It won't work" He tells me.

"How do you know? Have you tried it?" I ask getting irritated.

"No, but I think I know a better way of getting to her. I researched it about two years ago."

"What do you have in mind?"

"All we need is to do a couple more calculations and find a black hole." He tells me.

We are going to get Annie back! I'm so happy. I know we can do it. With the help of my scientist brother what can go wrong?

Suddenly we hear a giggle from behind me. I turn around quickly and see a girl of about seventeen. She has blonde hair cut in a bob, blue eyes that look like they are constantly shinning, she is slim and medium hight. She has a huge smile on her face.

"Hi guys!" She yells and gives me a tight hug. She is pretty strong even though she looks very fragile.

"Uh...who are you?" I ask.

"Does it matter? What are you guys up to?" The girl says. This girl is very hyper and bubly.

She goes over to Mike and gives him a hug also. Mike looks over at me puzzled.

"I don't know if I want to tell you. I don't know who you are." I tell her.

"The question isn't who am I, but what am I?" She giggles.

"What are you talking about."

"I'm a traveler just like a certain someone I hear you both are so hopelessly in love with."

"You know Annabel?" Mike asks.

"Yes I do! I was told by her to keep you guys hostage." She laughs.

"What do you mean? Are you from her time?" I ask her.

"Not really from the time you guys are thinking about. Just trust me ok?"

"Alright, but how do we know your safe and that you know Annabel?"

"She smells like sunflowers. She reminds Mike of a pixie and reminds you of a fairy. She has beautiful green eyes and she is always smiling. She also told me to mention that she can beat any of you at chess." She giggles and walks around the room.

She got her dead on. I wonder whats going on? This girl just appeared from no where so she has to be a traveler like Bel. I know there is a few others because I have read the articles. I wonder what she means by she's not from the time we think.


So, Did you like it? Who could those people be? Think you know? I was wondering...do you guys want character pics? Some people like them and some people like to leave it up to there imagination. VOTE AND COMMENT! PORFAVOR! (PLEASE)

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