I Time Travel for Love - 19

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I Time Travel for Love - Chp. 19


Smiling, we all walked in to the big dome at the end of the walkway. Mike was right about the big blue lizards. They were completely harmless and actually quite cute. It was time for all eyes to be on the group of people that just walked in. The announcement as we walked in was dramatic, but formal. Like all of the computers in this century, the voice that came was gentle, but firm. 

"I present to you, Mr. Michael Williams and his date, Ms. Annabel Williams. Dr. Ricardo Moon and his wife, Mrs. Lizet Moon. Mr. Andrew Cladence and his Fiance, Ms. Cynthia Quinon. Mr. Joshua Williams and his date, Ms. Trisha Conners. Ms. Nichole Williams and her fiance, Mr. Cory Godry. We welcome you to the unavailing of the Moonbel."

All around the room, people clapped and smiled. Nodding or waving at the masters behind the Moonbel. I noticed that they all stood when we were introduced. There was a lot of people. Close to 600 from what it looked like. Probably most scientists, inventors, and pilots. I glanced at Mike and was rewarded with seeing a delightful smile on his face. I couldn't help but also smile. We were ushered to the front of the room where we were seated to eat our dinner. 

Mike pulled out a chair for me and I thanked him. There was many people around us and they were all interested in who Mike's date was. I guess Josh wasn't kidding when he said Mike was the most eligible bachelor in this side of the universe. Many women came up to greet Michael. They all glanced at me with disapproval and I smiled brightly in return. All theses women would do anything to get Mike's attention, but I noticed he would keep glancing at me to make sure I was okay. If it weren't for his glances I would have already gotten up and made a display of myself by warding off the females. When everything had calmed down and we were all seated, the waiters came to take our orders and bring us drinks. 

I went with water and something that I could not pronounce. Ricardo assured me it was very good and I would love it. I trusted his judgement. I smiled and thanked him for the help. I watched as he gave his wife a kiss on the cheek and his wife smiling. They looked so in love, as they had just realized they were in love. I hope love would last for me that way. I felt a light caress on my arm and looked over to see Mike was trying to get my attention. 

"You seem distracted, Bel. Are you deep in thought again?" He teased. I smiled and nodded. 

"A bit. You seemed to have had quite the fan club." I told him, remembering all the people that came up to talk to him. 

"I guess I do, but you are the only fan I care to impress." He leaned close to me and whispered, "You look absolutely gorgeous when you are fending off my female fans." He said, placing a small kiss on my forehead.  I rolled my eyes and gave him a playful shove. As we waited for our drinks I noticed couples getting up to dance. The band that was playing had just started playing a slow, melodic song. The instruments were different in this time, but still reminded me of beautiful classical music. 

I watched as one of the band members started to sing. I was too entranced in the band and the beautiful set up they had that I didn't notice Mike get up until I saw his hand held out. I looked up in shock as I wouldn't think he would want to dance. He knew my dancing skills weren't great but he was still brave enough to ask me out to the dance floor. I smiled sweetly and took his hand. 

Michael led me to the center of the dance floor and I waved at Nikki as I saw her and Cory already there. She waved back with a delightful smile. Mike reached for my other hand and placed it on his shoulder. I looked up in to his eyes as he drew me close. The smile that always made me feel as though butterflies had migrated to my stomach flashed back at me. I smiled and placed my head on his chest as he lead the dance. We danced close for about two songs before he drew me away gently and led me back to out table. Our drinks had arrived and appetizers as well. 

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