Collapsing Roofs and Disapproving Deities

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Somewhere Else Entirely

In a pocket of time far, far away, the three fates watched as destruction overcame two different dimensions. As they watched, they were startled to find that there was an opening in the Continuum; one that connected two sets of twins in the same mall.

The fates watched as both sets of twins were crushed in the same spot, at the same time, on the same day, only separated by 30 years and a few dimensional hops. Both sets of twins had gone before their time, and the fates disliked seeing so many killed before their time. Not only would Death complain about being overworked, but it was so, so much paperwork.

With a single glance at each other, they got to work. The first swapped the thread to the alternate dimension, the second wove the weave of reality, and the third snipped the loose threads. As they finished their adjustments, a butterfly flew past two young girls.

August 1, 2018

It was raining. Of course it was raining on the day both twins had no classes and shorter than usual shifts. Aurora sighed as she pulled into the apartment complex's parking lot. She loved the rain, but it was too humid outside to properly enjoy it.

As she leaned over the center console for her bag, there was a sharp knock on the window. Aurora jumped, nearly hitting her head on the car roof. Her body was tense as she turned, hand reaching for the pepper spray in her bag. She relaxed when she saw the red and brown hair of Callisto. She sighed in relief as she got out of the car, purse and breakfast in hand.

"You scared me Cal," the younger woman muttered as she headed towards the building.

Callisto laughed. "I don't see how. I just knocked on the window."

"It's scary when someone randomly knocks on your car window when you're alone!" Aurora protested, holding her food out of reach of her twin.

"You're just easy to scare," Callisto argued. "Anyway, when're you going to redo your hair?"

Aurora ignored the jab at her jumpiness and swatted away the shorter girl's hand that had reached up and grabbed a piece of her hair. "Dunno. I rather like it the way it is now."

"But it's so grown out!"

"Yeah, but it looks good!"

"I don't see how faded blue hair with six inches of root looks good. But you do you Ror."

The two were quiet the rest of the walk to the blue haired woman's apartment. As Aurora entered, she went to shut the door but instead of closing, the door hit Callisto. She rolled her eyes but didn't say anything, used to her twin spontaneously deciding Aurora's apartment was better than her own.

"Are you going to change or just go to work like that?" Callisto asked as she turned on the TV.

Aurora flushed lightly as she saw she was still in her frog pajama pants and an old shirt that had belonged to her father at some point. She shook her head, shutting her bedroom door as she entered.

"Don't eat my food!" she called.

There was no reply, and Aurora hoped that her sister would listen to her request. However, she wasn't all that hopeful, so she tried to dress as quickly as she could. Remembering just how many times Callisto had eaten her food and drank her coffee, the blue haired woman forwent makeup and just threw her hair in a messy bun.

As the blue haired girl rushed back into the main room, she saw that her breakfast was untouched. She blinked rapidly, trying to process that her twin sister, notorious for stealing her and their friends' food, had left her breakfast alone. She shook her head slowly before cautiously opening the fast food bag, desperately hoping that Callisto hadn't done anything to her food. There was nothing wrong with the food or the bag. She turned to her sister in shock.

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