Demon Things and Startling Revelations

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Callisto groaned as she began to wake up. She was damp and ached all over. Her left cheek was stinging in particular and she thought she could feel dried blood along her neck. She reached up to touch it and realized that her face felt smaller, for that matter so did her hand. She opened her eyes and winced at the light. After her eyes adjusted, she realized that she was in the body of an eight year old.

'Guess Death forgot to mention something,' Callisto thought bitterly.

Having to relive their teens again would not be pleasant. At least no one would miss them overly much. The people at the mall would be miffed that they didn't come back to work and eventually someone would send out a missing person notice, but they didn't have any family to speak of besides Uncle Charlie and Auncle—or Zizi if you were Aurora—Quinton, nor any close friends. That was just the way the Smith twins were; don't get too close and there's less pain when they leave. Callisto didn't let herself dwell on this matter as one had to live in the here and now, not in the past.

She looked around again this time spotting two ghostly figures floating above them. She also saw the body of another child. She saw the body begin to move a bit and was relieved that the very least she wasn't laying next to a dead body. Upon closer inspection of the ghosts she saw that one of them was the spitting image of the other body. The other ghost was identical to the body she was in, at least from what she could see.

'Another thing Death forgot to mention,' she thought sourly. 'Apparently we have guides.'

"My name is Callisto, would you mind telling me the date?" she asked the ghosts.

The ghost twins looked at each other and the one that looked like her spoke. "It's August 2, 1988 of course," she said, looking at them slightly dubious as if she thought she was pulling their leg.


Aurora's back was uncomfortably damp in a way that suggested she was lying on wet grass and she hated that feeling. It was uncomfortable and made her want to crawl out of her skin from discomfort. She shifted, trying to get rid of the feeling, but that only made it worse.

She let out an annoyed breath as she wondered, 'what on Earth did her sister do to her this time?'

She moved again and heard someone ask what the day it was and she gave a small snort. 'That's how you get weird looks,' she grinned mentally.

But then it registered that the person had said "Callisto" and Aurora's eyes shot open. She was facing the sky and all she could see were the tree tops, so she assumed she was in a forest. She rolled over and immediately regretted it. Her side was damp now.

She shut her eyes in frustration. She'd need a new set of clothes now.

"Cal?" Aurora heard someone gasp as she spoke and she opened her eyes to see a child leaning over her face, anticipation written all over its face.

"Aurora?" the child asked.

"Why are you in my face?"

"Ror!" The child launched itself at Aurora and the girl let out a strangled shout.

She heard laughter from above her and she saw two ghostly figures, also children mind you, and she groaned. She hated children with a passion. They were loud, annoying, and always had sticky hands.

"Why are you hugging me?"

"Aurora! It's me, Callisto," the child told her.

"You're a child," Aurora deadpanned.

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