Early Person I am Not

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Note: You may giggle madly during this chapter. Maybe don't read around others in case you want to keep any sort of "good" image that's untainted by the sight of you giggling madly at fanfiction.  -TheVictorianLady

Lizzie stumbled out from under the little bit of comforter that she had and very gracefully fell to the ground. In her half-asleep state, she paid little attention to anything except her need for coffee. As she stumbled towards the door, her feet caught on a carpet that certainly wasn't in her room. She ignored the strange new addition to her apartment, not quite coherent enough for thinking much.

Her eyes were closed as she felt around for the doorknob. Finding it, and ignoring the giggles, she left the room. However, not even five steps later, she crashed into something. It was tall, felt like a rock, and most certainly didn't belong in her apartment that was specifically set up so that there were as few obstacles between her and her coffee machine as possible.

Landing on her rear end, she could hear the giggles intensify. She opened her eyes ever so slightly and glared at the record covered wall. She didn't own many records and they most definitely were not hung on the wall. Lizzie was starting to wonder if this wasn't her apartment.

As the giggles grew stronger, so did her glare. She turned to find the source of the high pitched noise only to see a child sitting up in the bed where she had just stumbled out of. Eager to get as far away from the thing as possible, she stumbled up, using the very rude wall for support. She backed away quickly, ignoring the absurd amount of seating and records on the wall as she tried to find any source of caffeine.

Eventually, after much grumbling, glaring, and giggles from the little demon thing, Lizzie found the stairs. After she nearly fell back down the stairs for the third time, she briefly entertained the thought that she and Callisto had gone over to Uncle Charlie and Zizi Quinton's house and she had had a few too many drinks, but this wasn't their house either. She reached for the railing, only just remembering its existence, but the hand that reached for it wasn't hers. It was far too small and there was a distinct lack of nail polish.

'No. Too early. Not enough caffeine,' she thought to herself.

She continued up the stairs, deciding to ignore whatever had happened to her. Reaching the top, she had more trouble unlocking the door than was reasonable. She really was wondering if she had gone out the night before. Finally managing to open the door (which was a very simple door) she burst out into a hallway with more doors. Because why would it be easy for her to find her way?

She heard the giggles again. Turning around, she saw the thing behind her, its clothes tattered and dirty. It was still giggling madly as it ran up the stairs. Fleetingly, she was disappointed in herself for struggling so much to get up the stairs. There was a reason her room was next to the kitchen in her apartment.

She stumbled back, horror plain across her face. She grasped behind her for any doorknob and found only a door frame. She leaned back, ready to defend herself against the approaching child. However, as she leaned back, she only fell to the ground. Again.

'Again with the lack of doors!' she thought bitterly, thinking back to when Uncle Charlie had taken away her and Callisto's doors when they had a bout of teenage rebellion.

She scooted back and into a beanbag. She scrambled up and dashed through another doorway, though she still wasn't as graceful as she'd have liked. The giggling continued as she once more knocked into a wall, though she didn't fall this time. She ran behind a dining table and ducked under it. She was not going to deal with a child early in the morning. As she raised her head slightly, she realized that either the table was extremely tall or she had shrunk.

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