Chapter 5| Questions | Kenma POV

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1. I have questions by Camila Cabello

2. Running Out of Time by Tyler the Creator!

3. (extra song) After Dark by Mr.Kitty

Now let's get started!


"Shoyo can I ask you a question"  I sighed as I stopped unlocking the dorm and stared at him in the face.


"Are you mad at me?"  Obviously his mad at you Kenma.

"No, now open the door."

    I wanted to grab him and just hug him, kiss him, cuddle, or just do anything at this point. I miss his smile. I opened the door and Shoyo just walked right past me, Y'know what. I remembered what Shoyo told me last night. "What friend would I be if I just let you sit over there and not do anything."

   I would definitely be counted as a bad friend right now if I just let him lock himself in his room. I ran toward Shoyo before he even reached his room door. I started to whine a bit into his brownish jacket. He looked at me hugging him from behind as I turned him around. I could now see his face. You could tell by his face he wasn't in the mood to hug but at this point, I wanna hug him now in case I lose him later. I picked him up which I'm surprised I was able to do that and I put him in my bed in my room.

"I'll just put my shoes and jacket on the floor then I guess," He said that and did it. He later laid down and faced the TV while I just stood there watching. When I say he's mad. Shoyo is actually mad and it frightens me a lot. I gazed at him more as he grabbed my remote and started flipping the channel. I decided to take off my shoes and jacket and sit next to him.  I laid on his legs which shocked him a little. I looked at his details from below, his freckles made him x10 more cuter and his side profile actually looked better than most people.

   Shoyo didn't look like he was in the mood to talk so I  just remained quiet until it looked like he calmed down a bit.  I started to overthink like I always do and didn't notice I was basically rubbing his stomach and that was his tickle spot so he started laughing a ton. I was confused on why he was laughing until I noticed I was rubbing his stomach.

"Oh, sorry I didn't notice I was doing that shoyo...' I soon put my arms back in their original form. Shoyo didn't reply to what I said which all you could hear is the rain outside and the TV again. I wasn't gonna let Shoyo leave this room. I felt hands start touching my hair which was currently wet from the rain.  I focus my attention from the TV to sho to see him looking down towards me from trying to play with my eyes. We inlocked with each other's eyes and none of us moved. It was like we were mannequins. It was like Gravity was making us move towards each other faces. Kind of like.. we were about to kiss each other. However, Shoyo quickly noticed and looked back towards the TV

"sorry kenma..." Shoyo said.

"Please don't apologize to me ever again shoyo? You have the right to apologize after everything I.HAVE.DONE? You don't have to pretend everything is "ok" when it's not. "

    Shoyo stared back at me and we looked back into each other eyes.

"ok..." the orange-haired male said.

     I was still laying on shoyo's legs so he leaned in and hugged me while trying not to also hug his legs. I could feel Sho releasing all his current pain by crying. He continued to hug me and cry. I guess he was hugging me so I couldn't watch him cry. He'll rather just let me hear him.  I soon moved from his legs and moved him so he could sit on my lap and decided to let him hug me like that. Maybe that was a better position.  Shoyo just hugged me and just released what he's been feeling.

"Look I'm sorry sho! At this point, if you want me to do something for you I would do it for you without debate."
"kenma... can u just continue what you were doing before, y'know t-the event you said you were gonna do for me every once in a while.."
"sure, whatever would calm you."

    At this point, if I even think about confessing I would have nonstop thoughts of the same thing. He would reject me.

"Hey... wanna play video games together? Usually, if you were upset we would play animal crossing."  I don't think he really noticed but my fingers are secretly crossed behind him while we hug.

"Sure I guess" I got out of the bed once hearing his reply and grabbed his Nintendo out of my dresser. It's usually in there since he would always come in my room to play games so he usually just leaves it in here.  I gave him his Nintendo and went to grabbed mine we soon opened up and played

1 hour later

"Kenma that's not even fair! I quit" I laughed as Shoyo lightly threw his Nintendo across the bed and stood up to leave.

"where are you going?" I wanted to ask him in case he might leave again and Kuroo might force me to stalk him.

"I'm going to make you soup.. earlier when I was playing with your "hair" I actually touched your forehead and it's like your head is heating up." Shoyo came back into the room to take my Nintendo and his and put it in his room somewhere.

"No electronics for now expect the TV and your phone!" I nodded as he left to make the soup.

    I guess He wasn't mad at me like how he was earlier hopefully he won't become angry for a while or even upset. Tomorrow is Monday but it looks like I won't even be attending school due to probably a fever or cold. I started to open the old  GC with karasuno, aboa joshi, shirtorizawa, etc, and honestly, I don't want to ruin anybody else's moods


Lev: you cant levitate without a "lev" 😏😂🤣

Yaku: that is the most shittiest joke I EVER heard.

Tanaka: and was. you need to apologize for breathing my air right now.

Ushijima: Why would someone apologize for breathing a air we all breath?

Tendo: I am very sorry everyone! 😍🥰😘

Oikawa: Dumbasf.

Iwaizumi: Now you have no room to talk OiKaWa, Can we talk about how you yelled at Kageyama when all he wanted was to learn how to serve? You honestly dumbasf

Kageyama: You didn't have to bring me up but fr! FACTS 💙

Shoyo: Facts 🧡

Oikawa: chibi chann 😥 you're supposed to be on my side! 😭💔


Well, I didn't know shoyo was online but I will definitely get off now before he notices. Sooner or later he came in the room with a tray that was carrying my soup and crackers. I saw as he gently placed the tray and the soup was my favorite

"try it" He chanted excitedly for me to try the soup he made me but with a twist. I grabbed the soon and blew the soup off to cool it down. When it cooled I finally took a bite.

I felt dizzy all of a sudden... how come? I looked at the soup then back at Shoyo as he stared at me confused due to my reaction. I could see everything becoming black slowly, everything was happening in slow motion. I could feel myself fall back as I felt the burning soup fell all over my legs and blanket. The last thing I saw was shoyo running out the room.


Sorry for the short chapter 😮 I got distracted this chapter and got tired of writing so imma take a break for a while and come back when i'm fully motivated :) alrighty see yall in chapter 6!

Story shares are appreciated 😶

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