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I was violently pulled to consciousness by soft footsteps on the carpeted floor. Although I was a heavy sleeper, any noise directly around me would always wake me up. I gently but quickly rolled off Dan; it was a miracle he hadn't awakened. I stepped over to the light switch and flicked it on. Expecting Tristan, I was extremely surprised to see a girl, who looked about a year younger than me. She had shoulder length light brown hair and dark honey coloured eyes, currently open in fright. I needed to do something, she probably thought I was a bloody burglar or something.

"Shhhhh Shhhhh Shhh... It's okay I... I..."

I stopped noting that firstly, I sounded reaaaally creepy. Secondly, what do I tell her to comfort her? I don't live here, I don't really have a relationship with Dan other than friends. For a day, so far.

"I'm Dan's friend. Who's a girl. I'm his friendgirl. So... Long story short, I'm not going to murder or pillage anything. By the way, I'm Emmalie Carter." I whispered, extending an awkward hand.

She took it and hesitantly shook it, but acted careful, like I was a mousetrap about to spring. Luckily, neither of us had screamed and the boys hadn't woken up.

"I'll make some tea and then we can talk." I whispered.

Not waiting for a response, I tip-toed over to the kitchen and poured 2 cups of water. I put them in the microwave and heated them until they boiled. I stopped it right before it beeped, preserving the silence. I threw the teabags in and brought the mugs over. I handed one to the girl, putting mine on the coffee table. She sat down on the chair across from the couch. I started to sit down and a split second before my butt touched the couch, I realised that I had made a terrible mistake. I was sitting on something soft, and it was defiantly not the couch. I saw the girl dart behind a chair to hide as I was flung off by an arm. Dan's arm. I quickly put my hand over his mouth so that he wouldn't wake the whole house up. Feeling Dan's muffled protests into my hand, I looked into his eyes and mouthed 'be quiet'. The sounds ceased and I whispered,

"Oh god, I'm so sorry Dan, I didn't mean to sit on you. Go back to sleep, it's really late."

"Hmpffff." he mumbled in agreement.

I motioned to the girl to stay where she was, and in no longer than a few minutes, Dan was fast asleep. Seriously. How. It takes me ages to fall asleep on a good night. Anyways, I motioned the girl out and she hesitantly half crawled over.

"I'm so sorry about this, I'm Amber and I'm Tristan's... um... friendgirl? I was just going to get my charger out of my bag, but then you turned on the lights."

The girl, Amber, whisperingly explained.

"Ooooooooooooohhh okay. Are we cool then? I mean, we're probably going to see more of each other." I questioned.

"Yeah, it's all good. I might as well tell you a bit about myself since we're here, and neither of us are going to be able to sleep anyways." She explained.

I nodded as she began to explain the odyssey of her life. I slowly sipped on the tea, reflecting on the rather exciting night I had.



~*time skip*~

It was about nine in the morning by the time Tristan and Dan finally got up. Tristan walked in first and saw Emmalie and I talking. He suddenly exclaimed,

"Good, you're actually here. I thought you left. I'm glad to see you met Emmalie."

He practically crawled over to the kitchen and quickly did a mini-survey of what everyone wanted. In a quiet voice I responded,

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