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Hey, my name is Amber Patel and I'm 18 years old. I'm your average brown haired, brown eyed teenager, but I've been putting an artificial smile on my face for the past 11 years. You might wonder why I've been so depressed lately. Well, It's no suprise to my Grandma and Grandpa; they know how tragic my life has been ever since I was seven.


When I was little, my Mom told me that she'd never leave me. She was reading me my favourite bedtime story, sitting on the edge of my bed like she always did. I held on to her promise with an iron grip. When I was seven, my Mom had my baby brother Kelson. A few days later, she died of kidney failure. She had been on dialysis for a year, and she had been getting consecutively worse. It was too late to save her. She did leave me. She left me and went to heaven. But that was just the start of my horrible life. When I was nine and Kelson was two, my Dad went on a buisness trip to California. He was an accountant, just like I'm studying to be. It was only supposed to be a week long trip, but when he didn't return after a month, a man came to my Grandparent's house where my brother and I were staying. The man was tall and wore a dark black suit. He looked official and ominous. He then told my Grandma that my Dad had died in a car crash.

This destroyed my life, not to mention my brother never got to know how it felt to have a mom, or what it feels like to have Father-son time. As for me, I will never get back all those days that I should have spent with my parents. All the birthdays, field trips and even my high school graduation. It felt like the end of my life that day, but I chose to try to push though for Kelson, push though for my grandparents, push though for my family.

I remember the day so clearly. I was sitting on my rather pink duvet cover after I came home from school. My Grandma walked into the room, tears streaming down her face. I looked up and my heart jumped into my throat.
"He's dead. He died in a car crash. Oh dear, I'm so sorry. You're too young." She whispered.
I didn't know what do. My whole family was gone except for Kelson and my Grandparents. I felt my Grandmother's arms wrap around me and envelop me in a hug. We sat there crying for hours until I fell asleep.

I didn't get out of bed for weeks and I refused to eat. Every. Single. Day.
When I finally had the courage to face the world, I realised that my life would never be the same. The rest of elementary and high school was a living hell. I became depressed and reclusive. Everyone worried about me and everything was painful. Everyday was an uphill battle. I just wanted to die in a hole.


One day, while I was laying on my bed in a depressed mess, my Grandparents came up to me and told me that I've been doing nothing for too much of my life. They told me that I should go to this Zumba Class that was tommorow night. They told me that I needed to go make some friends in the hope that I would cheer up and make a life for myself. I told them that it wouldn't work, and I begged them not to make me go. After much debate, I said I'd try. Only for them. I needed to be strong. Once they left the room, I fell on my bed into a deep sorrow and drifted off to sleep. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Just maybe.



My name is Tristan Colbert. I'm a stereotypical high school grad. Blond hair, perfect blue eyes, sharing a flat with a friend. But my life, unlike my eyes, is not perfect in any way.


*cue dramatic music* I was seven. A ripe young child. (Not in a weird way.) I livid in California with my parents. Now, being a bit of an odd child, I only had one friend, Ethan. We had basically been friends since we were born and we relied on each other for everything. We were like brothers.

It was hard, when he died. I took it as every seven year old would. That is, very hard. His loss meant a lot to me.
There had been a sinkhole, of all things. An actual sinkhole. His house, his family, everything gone. Even my house. I was out of town at the time, so my family was okay. But, it didn't seem fair. That he should die and I would live, without a house, or my best friend. We were left with nothing, so we moved up to London. Yes, that's London, England It was hard. I had a new school, and I needed to make new friends. I was foreign to them, and I never quite fit in. I made a few acquaintances, but never any lasting ones. It was painful to watch everyone go by, maybe look at the strange boy with the blue eyes, maybe not. I stayed at the back of class, hidden until recently. It was graduating year and I owe it all to one person. Dan. He was the only person willing to even talk to me. He was there for me when no one else was. Eventually, we decided to share a flat on the way to uni, with everything being so expensive. We share similar interests, so we get along well. I began to fit in. I learned my way around and began to develop a bit of an accent. Unfortunately, I was never quite the same as I was in America. Being isolated most of your life changes you. It truly does.


"TRISTAN, WHERE DID YOU PUT THE NUTELLA??" I heard Dan shout from the living room. I walked in, rolling my eyes.
"In the living room, where you left it. Honestly, you and your thing for Nutella. Maybe you should marry it." I joked.
"Well sorryyyyyyyyyy... It's my only source of energy and motivation." He apologised.
I put on a serious face, knowing that this probably wouldn't end well.
"You really need to do something useful with your life, and stop being lazy. Correction, we both do. Between crap food almost every night and not having a job, we need to get our lives together." I stated with impact.
Dan pulled his blue IPhone out of his pocket and started typing. I jogged to the kitchen and started to make a sandwich. He looked up regretfully and I cringed.
"Legit, the only thing is Zumba. Starting tomorrow." He did his cringing face, and I knew we were going to regret this.
"I know, I know, it sucks but we're going to have to deal with it. Before we become 200 pounds and just melt into our couch!" He called out to me.
"BRUH!!!! REALLY WHAT IS THIS!!! I know we're desperate but are we this desperate?" I screeched, my mouth full of bread, spewing crumbs everywhere.
"Unfortunately, yes." He stated as he speed walked out of the room.
I started wailing, which he ignored, I'm sure. Of all things, Zumba is the last on my list. I didn't think I was that desperate. I mean, I knew I needed to meet people, being as introverted as I am, but at a Zumba class? Who would be there? 50 year old women with a day off? No way I was getting cozy with them. No way. I strode over to my room and collapsed on my bed. I shoved my head infer the pillow and sighed. What am I getting myself into?


AN: AYYYYY, this is actually going up earlier than planned, but who really cares? Better early then late, right!! Anyways, next chapter is gonna have some Zumba-y goodness *sigh* (if you hadn't already guessed). People might hook up... any guesses? *wink wink nudge nudge* Anyways, if I'm not lazy, the next chapter should be up by the end of the week. These are all the characters we're putting so it won't get too crazyyyyy... ((57 views already ?!?!?! Thank chuuuuu~~))
Sabina xx

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