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*beep beep beep beep*
*angry duck noises*

I rolled over and slammed my phone, hoping to turn off my alarm. It was Tuesday and I had classes. *sigh* What a day this will be. Although I loved my classes, it was still a pain to get up in the morning. I waddled out of bed and stumbled to the kitchen. I didn't feel like doing a whole lot for breakfast, so I grabbed a banana and started spreading Nutella on it. Pretty much what I live on. So healthy, right? I ate it quickly and ran to the bathroom to wash up. Soon after, I sprinted into my room, carmel hair whipping everywhere, noting that if I didn't hurry up I was going to be late. Very late. I clumsily pulled one of my many pairs of black leggings. I grasped a while lace top and threw on a blue blazer, the fabric scraping against my arms. Remembering I was going to some Zumba class, *cringe* I stuffed a pair of neon blue shorts and a TARDIS top into a gym bag with a pair of converse. (I know it's not gym clothes, but I didn't work out enough to have proper gym attire.) I sprinted out the door, barely remembering to lock it behind me. I took a slower pace and speed walked to the building where my classes were, feeling the wet grass soak through my cloth shoes. I don't live too far away, which is a huge benefit, even if it means paying a buttload of money for my flat. I swung open the door, almost taking the head off of some poor person. WELP. I stumbled into class, barely on time. I took a seat and braced myself for the day ahead.

~*time skip because who wants to read about a bazillion hours of uni classes*~

I paced outside the Zumba place, not wanting to go in. I had already changed into my neon workout shorts with my TARDIS top and boy was I regretting it. They were so bright and nerdy, I was like a beacon of awkwardness. It was basically every gym class I had ever been in. Weellllllllll...... At least it felt like it. I finally drew in a gulp of air and pushed through the large double doors. Peeking inside, I realised there was no escape. Immediately, to my utter horror, an older woman, maybe 40, wearing tye-dye spandex came up to me.

"You must be Emmalie, right? I saw you registered last night. Anyways, welcome! We'll be starting in a few minutes, we're just waiting on a few more people." She stated.

OH THE ACTUAL HORROR. REMIND ME WHY IM DOING THIS. I nodded stiffly and shuffled to the back. I was suprised at the number of men there. I thought men were too manly to do Zumba. But regardless, why, JUST WHY. The lady acted like she was my grandma or something. No. Just no.
I scrunched up my face hoping for the worst when I heard the door swing open...



~*Earlier that morning*~

Food. Foooooooddd. FOOOOODDDD. Obviously midnight trail mix is not enough to sustain me. No wonder my life is a fail. All in all, my day usually goes something like this:

Wake up at 1.


Go on the internet.


Small period of social interaction.

More Internet.

Fall asleep at 4am.


I know this may sound like a bit of a sad life, but it's really not. Really.
Out of the blue, my butt started vibrating. Wat. I pulled my phone out of my pocket (no, my butt doesn't actually vibrate, sadly.) and I cringed. I literally cringed so hard I fell onto my bed. Zumba. The last thing I wanted to do. Literally. I'd rather lick a hobo's big toe than go to Zumba. I stepped towards my closet, leaned against the wall and sighed. I chucked the first shirt in my closet and a random pair of black pants into my gym bag. Of course it happens to be my Pokemon shirt. What else? I texted Tristan, reminding him of our commitment and jogged out the door, locking it behind me. I swear this was going to be a huge mistake.

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