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~*Time skip*~

*back at le zumba class*

After Dan and I had walked back in an awkward yet comfortable silence, we had arrived back at the class. The rest of the class was passing uneventfully... so far. I was growing tired as the repetitive beat of the music was really starting to get annoying on a personal level. Thankfully, barely a minute later we were done.

"Good job." I said with a wink, walking to the front of the building with Dan.

I picked up my bag and passes him his.

"Same to you! At least you're actually a decent dancer." He stated with a chuckle.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA no." I said, not even smiling.

He smirked then said,

"Want me to walk you home?" He asked, his request seeming genuine.

"Of course." I said with a smile and a short, happy nod.

Going through the doors again, I glanced a paper schedule on the yellowed walls. Upon examination, I found that there was Zumba class tomorrow. Well, we'd cross that bridge when we got to it. I breathed in the crisp air, savouring the moment that I actually got someone to talk to me. Maybe my life was going up, just a bit.

I pulled open the door to my building and lead Dan up to my flat.

*a wild door appears*

After the again, awkward yet comfortable silence during the extremely short walk to my flat, we had arrived at my door. Sadly, my time with Dan had come to an end.

"I'll see you around, yeah?" He questioned.

"Sure!" I said with a vague smile and wink.

I quickly let myself in and said one last goodbye to Dan. Leaning on the door, I slowly slid to the floor and started to contemplate. Why did this newfound person talk to me? Did I mess anything up? Should I have really said that?

Ignoring the loud buzz of questions coming from my head, I strolled to the bathroom and hopped into the shower. I let the cool water run over my skin and started singing loudly. Yes, I sing in the shower. No, I don't care what you think. Like always, the shower is the best place to think, so I soon slid into a soapy state of deep thought.



I had just dropped Emmalie off at her flat and man, was that the most interesting day I've had in a while. I had met a person, and what a person she was. I jogged out of her building and started heading home. I sprinted onto the underground, knowing the way home like the back of my hand. I sat in the carriage and dropped into thought.
YOU DID EVERYTHING WRONG AND NOW SHE HATES YOU. WHY CAN YOU NEVER HET ANYTHING RIGHT?! My brain shouted at me. I kind of have a built in guilt mechanism that gives me a terrible time for everything. That's consciousness for you. I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts as we arrived by my flat. A few sets of stairs and doors later, I was back home. I had beat Tristan home so I had some to kill. I pulled out my phone and began to text Emmalie.

Dan: Hey wanna hang out tomorrow? Thought we could have some fun ^^ ((not in a creepy perv way))

Soon after, Emmalie replied.

Emmalie: Sure! Ik we have zumba, but that can be skipped for something that's actually fun ;D

I put my phone down, quickly texting her some details and waiting for the OK. After she said she could join me tomorrow, I got a bit overexcited. Only to be expected when you're socially awkward like me. I ran to the bathroom and practically leaped into the shower, quickly cleaning myself up. I ran to my room and put some sweats on, hearing Tristan walk in.

"AYYY MATE WHY'RE YOU LATE? HAVING A BIT TOO MUCH FUN? DID YOU USE PROTECTION?!!" I shouted cheekily as I walked down the hall.

"OI NONE OF YOU'RE BUSINESS. YES I HAD FUN, MOTHER." He shouted, sounding frighteningly like my own Mum. I laughed and two a quick bowls of soup for both of our dinners. We watched a few episodes of Hetalia on the TV in the kitchen and we both went our separate ways to bed. I sat in bed for a minute before deciding I was too tired to try and think. I drifted to sleep and slept like a baby. An actual baby.



Falling asleep promptly the previous night, I woke up to the not so gentle ringing of my phone's alarm. It was obnoxiously reminding me of my 'date' with Dan. I was supposed to go over to his house so we could sit on the couch and watch some fandom related show or potentially a movie. For the record, this is what we nerdy people actually do in our spare time. I attempted to put on some black leggings (again) and a loose Union Jack top. I stumbled to the kitchen, grabbing a few handfuls (yes, handfuls) of cereal for breakfast. I threw on my converse and barely remembered my phone on my way out into...



I knocked twice on the door and was promptly greeted by Dan, who was wearing a cat top with sweats. (*whistles* dang son, way to impress a WOOOOMAN~)

"Hey, come on in! I've got food ready. I know, like we need it anyways." He laughed.

I walked in, tugging off my shoes, walking over to the couch and sitting down. I shyly waved to a young dude in the kitchen who I assumed was Tristan. Inspecting the very nice lounge, I felt Dan sit beside me, creating a crease in the sofa. He pressed a button on the remote and Sherlock started playing as Tristan walked to his room, crisps in hand. I had always loved Sherlock and smiled at Dan, telling him a bit about my childhood obsession with the famous detective. The conversation spiralled into many different topics, namely his stereotypical British childhood, my stereotypically Canadian one and our passion for procrastinating with our upcoming careers. Dan decidedly made some tea and we chatted for hours on end (so much for watching Sherlock). We learned as much about each other as we normally would in a few weeks. We had no shortage of conversation, actually, we were interrupting each other just to fit everything in (we all know how that is). This may seem quick to get to know someone, but it was the way as a school aged child, why not now? (I still act that age anyways.) Back then you made friends in days, but kept them for much longer. He soon was slowly becoming less of a mystery and more of a familiar face. Once we started paying attention to the TV again, (such a long attention span, wow) I watched the rest of the episode in awe, taking in every bit of cinematography and effects. Although I was watching with spiked interest, I began to feel tired. After all, being a fangirl is incredibly hard work. After thinking about it deeply for a billion years, I leaned over awkwardly, resting my head on Dan's shoulder and hoping this wasn't a mistake. To my happiness, he moved his right hand onto my shoulder and leaned his head overtop mine, returning the gesture. It's interesting how much you can bond over just a few common interests and how awkwardly attached you can get to someone in two days. In my half awake-half asleep stupor, the last thing I remember was slowly leaning on Dan as we both fell over sideways on the couch, promptly falling asleep.


AN: AYYYY ITS SABI HERE!!! Trying to write romance here don't judge. VOTECOMMENTREADLALALALALALLALAL
thanks for the views!!!!
Cheers :D
Sabina x

Hey all, its khloe
I am so happy to have all you people read up to this point its awesome you make me feel so special thank you. O and for more fun read on when we update next.
Love Khloe,

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