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I slowly opened my eyes and gradually awakened to my Grandmother shaking me and saying in a soft voice,
"Amber sweetheart, you have a big day ahead of you, wake up."
Well that's something you see everyday. Weeelllll, I do at least, living with my Grandparents and all. In a sleepy (actually kind of drunk sounding) voice I replied,
"WHAT COULD BE SO IMPORTANT that I have to get up now, I don't have school, so what is it?"
My grandma looked at me with her big sad eyes and said,
"Oh dear, you've forgotten. You promised me you'd go to that Zumba class to go and make some friends."
First of all, I'm a grown woman who don't need no social interaction, or life coaching from her Grandma. Secondly, I was still half asleep, so I just kind of laid there with a blank look on my face until it hit me.


I actually really honestly promised my Grandparents I would go. Smart going on my part.
"When does it start?"
"It started 20 minutes ago." She replied.
As I didn't really want to go to this thing anyway, I got up as slow as possible and walked leisurely up to my closet. If there's one thing I can actually do good, it's stalling. I lazily slipped on a pair of black yoga pants and a thick grey sweat shirt. I strolled to the kitchen and ate a late lunch of ham sandwich and OJ. No rush. Only a Zumba class and my potential social life riding on this. No biggie. I shoved my dishes in the sink and jogged out the door, pushing it shut behind me and barely remembering to grab my purse-ish-thing. I hopped in my Grandma's car and prayed to the Zumba Gods I wouldn't screw this up. It was a 35 minutes drive there, but it gave me adequate time to think about how much I was going to regret this. The correct answer is: a lot.
I stepped out of my Grandma's blue Ford Focus (she was slightly technologically savvy, despite her over extreme grandmotherly nature), she gave me a quick small smile and bade me wishes of fun on this noble quest. How the hell was I supposed to have fun with an army of forty-something year olds dancing to Elvis? I gently tread up to the door of the building, feeling the pavement under my trainers. My hands were shaking very fast, and it was hard to grab the sleek metal handle. Once I finally yanked the door open and stepped in, I was trampled and violently assaulted by a rather large crowd of older women in tye-dye spandex. Jesus on a boat, what have I gotten myself into...

*pokemon music*
*a wild blond dude appears*

Hallelujah. It's raining men. It's actually raining men.

This mysterious blond dude walked up to me and faced the crowd of old ladies (and men. Don't forget the men).
"Excuse me, but I can handle it from here." He subtly stated.
He winked at the ladies, and they all smiled and dispersed, obviously distracted by his charming nature.
A handsome dude just saved me. He actually saved me. An actual handsome dude.
Why me?
Well then.
Deep breaths, it's only a hot guy who I can't even talk to without blushing.
Just let its happen, Amber, let it happen.
The old people quickly dissipated and it was just us. *cough cough* WELP. This is awkward. Very awkward. I looked up at him and being a nervous wreck like usual, I said,
"Ummm... *cough cougasdfghjkl* Thanks for rescuing me back there.... Uhhhhh.."
"Tristan." he said proudly with a big smile, almost like a six year old who had just seen Ice cream.
"And you are?"
"I'm so sorry, where are my manners... Apparently they're up my ass. My name's Amber." I said in a shaky voice.

Swiggity swoot he is cute.
Scratch that.

He put a hand on my shoulder and asked,
"So hmmm, Amber. It's break and Im too awkward to do anything else, so I was wondering if you'd like to come to get some coffee? With me?"
In a jokingly excited vocie I replied,

Did I just try and flirt? Oh no. This never, ever ends well. I NEED TO STOP OVERTHINKING EVERYTHING HOLY CANOLI!? Instead, he just gave a cute little laugh and said,
"Okay M'lady."
He held his arm out the old fashioned way. What a charming dude for someone of his age. Jesus, what am I doing.

WAT. I've never been someones lady before, not even had anyone come close to me. Am I dreaming? I can't be. I pinched myself to make sure. CRAP THAT HURT. Okay, so it's not like it is in TV shows. Man, if this was a video game, I'd pause it and take a break to reflect in deep philosophical silence, what am I doing and am I going to screw this up. Sadly, this is not a video game, but it's real life. ACTUAL LIFE. NO. WHAT. NO.


We barely talked at all on the way to starbucks, mainly because we were both too awkward to say a peep. The little we did talk, we figured out what we were doing with life and why we were even here in the first place. Surprisingly, we did link arms and skip all the way like a majestical uni horse skipping through fields of cotton candy. Yes mi amigos, this is how awkward people make friends. It felt like it was meant to be... supposed to be.
*cliche romantic music playing in the background*


Once we got there, he asked me what I wanted to drink (oh the manliness) Being my 'not really into starbucks' self, I told him I'd like a double double.
"The hell?" He questioned.
Turns out no one knows any Canadian slang, so I shouted,
"2 creams, 2 sugars. How can you not know this?"
"I don't ride on polar bears or live in an igloo."
I rolled my eyes, walked over to a table and plopped myself down on a chair.
I realized I hadn't posted anything on instagram since forever *gasp* *le horror*, so I waited until Tristan came over, and took a took a photo of our coffees side by side. I wrote: 'just getting some starbucks with a 'friend'
Pffffttt, if I can even call him that.
Tristan quickly asked if he could tag himself in the photo. Of course I said yes. Who would say no to this bundle of joy? (So far) I passed my phone over and brought the hot liquid up to my lips. Mmmmm, nothing like coffee, anytime of the year. He gave me back my phone, I posted the picture, and I sat back, somewhat calmly, considering I was basically in a date with a stranger.


After around 25 minutes of talking, I had barely learned anything about him. He was just a real mystery. Seriously. Noticing the time, I grabbed my phone and grabbed Tristan's sleeve on my way out the door. He passed me my coat as we pushed through the doors. I stuffed my phone in my pocket and realised that wasn't the only thing in there. I pulled out a slip of paper with a phone number on it. I swear if people get any smoother, I'm going to fall on my face. I slipped it back in my pocket, not mentioning it. I smiled and realised that I suck at social interaction, but hey, at least I met a hot guy!


Hey its khloe hope you like are book so far if you do please vote and read on.
Love khloe

HELLO CHILDREN ITS SABINA READVOTECOMMENTSHAREBLADADADA have fun reading. While editing this, I turned up the awkwardness 25373997% hope you don't mind lolzor
Update: new chapters going up before the weekend :D
Sabina xx

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