Chapter 1

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Sharon got up quickly from her bed and found a pair of clothes neatly folded waiting for her at the end of her bed. She picked them up and ran towards the bathroom before running out of the hotel room and towards the staircase.

Sharon ran past the front desk worker. The worker greeted her but Sharon ignored and ran out. People were walking down to the Plaza where the president and his wife will be driving through. Sharon quickly walked with the people and stood in the opposite direction where she'll be able to see the drive and the First Lady, Jacqueline (Jackie) Kennedy.

Sharon begins to play with her fingers as she waits for the Lincoln Car to arrive.

Sharon looked over to the left and spotted the car coming. People were waving to the president and the First Lady, they both were waving back too.

As the car came close to Sharon, something hit the President in the neck. The driver looked back and lifted a gun. Sharon quickly reacted and rushed over to the car. The policeman behind the car quickly drove their motorcycle to Sharon and tried to drag her away from the car. She heard one gunshot. Sharon pushes one of the officers to arm away and grabbed the driver and yanked him out of the vehicle.

The driver landed on the road, dropping the gun beside him. Sharon crawled into the driver's side and drove under the bridge. Sharon saw a sign pointing towards a Hospital and followed it.

The First Lady moved up to the seat to Sharon and asked, "Where are we going?" "We're taking your husband to the Hospital, Mrs.Kennedy," Sharon responded, "he'll be alright."


Sharon pulled up to the Hospital and got out and helped the President out. Two nurses came out and asked one of the men. They say the president was shot and the nurses turned to me and went towards the president and took him. I turned back to Jackie who was holding both of her hands. I went to comfort her. "Wanna go inside and wait?" Sharon asked. "Yeah," Jackie said and walked inside. Sharon followed behind.

She and Sharon waited in the waiting room for news about the president. The doctor finally walked out of the surgical room and came up to Jackie. "Are you Miss Kennedy?" The doctor asked.
"Yes, Yes I am. Is Jack okay?" Jackie said.
"Your husband survived the bullet, he'll have to rest," The Doctor said and proceeds to walk away from them both.

Jackie was relief to hear that her husband is alright. She begins to cry with Joy. Sharon smiled.

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