Chapter 2

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The doctor left them both alone. Jackie hugged Sharon in relief after hearing her husband was okay. "Thank you," Jackie whispered.
Sharon wrapped her arms around Jackie. "Oh, thanks," Sharon whispered back.
Jackie let's go of Sharon. She grabbed hold of Sharon's hand and leads her to the president's room. Jackie pushed the door open. Jackie and Sharon enters the room quietly. Jack was sleeping.
Jackie went up to Jack's side first, looking down. She smiled, wiping a tear from her cheek. She looked up at Sharon and motioned her over. Sharon shuffled up beside Jackie and looked down at Jack. She sighed and her smile vanished. Jackie noticed. "Are you alright, dear?" She asked.
"I don't know, Jackie," Sharon answered. She looked up at her. "What if I change history."
"What you mean?" Jackie asked, titling her head.
"I mean: what if I changed the course of history from what it was supposed to be," Sharon explained. "I know I did something wrong to travel back to this time." Sharon began crying softly. Jackie placed her hand on Sharon's cheek and lift it up.
"It doesn't matter, Sharon, the only thing that matters is that you saved my husband from dying," Jackie told Sharon. "Your a angel in disguise."

Jack turned in his sleep. Jackie and Sharon both look at him. Jack fluttered his eyes open, looking at them both. "Jackie...?" he said. He lifted his hand.
Jackie grabbed ahold of his hand. "Yes, dear, I'm here," Jackie told him, with a smile. Jackie looked over at Sharon. "Especially Sharon."
Jack looked over at Sharon. "Come over here," he said, motion Sharon over with his other hand. She did. "Thanks for you saving me," Jack said.
"Oh, thanks Mr.President," Sharon replied, smirking.
"You can just call me by my first name: John," he said. He looked over at Jackie. "When are they gonna release me?"
"The doctor told me in week," Jackie answered. "They gotta make sure you're stable enough to return to the White House."
"Who'll be in charge of it then when I'm not there right now?" Jack asked, a little worried.
"They'll figure it out themselves," Jackie answered again. "Just right now, we're together; all three of us." Jackie smiles at Sharon.

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