Chapter 6

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The drive back to the White House was silent. Sharon looked out the window, zoning out. Grey clouds began rolling in, blocking the warm sun and soon began raining. The car stopped once it got inside the gates of the White House.
Caroline and JFK Jr ran up and hugged JFK and Jackie before running back inside. Sharon walked in behind them. "Did you guys eat dinner yet?" Jackie asked the kids. They both nodded.
"I guess it's bath time then."
Caroline and JFK Jr giggled before running back inside. Sharon followed behind. Jackie looked back at her. Jackie stopped until Sharon came up to her. "Are you okay, Sweet Pea?" Jackie asked.
       Sharon looks up at her. "I'm fine, Jackie," she answered before yawning. "I'm just a little sleepy, that's all." Sharon tiredly smiles at Jackie.
       Jackie had a concern look, studying Sharon before saying: "Alright then, go get some sleep."
       Sharon nods. "You too, Jackie," she echoes.

       Sharon watches as Jackie walk inside. Sharon follows inside.

        Many workers passed her, greeting her. She  nods at them before going to the Lincoln room and closing the door behind her and sighing. "Tired, huh?" Abe asked, watching the fire.
       Sharon sighed again before joining Abe. "It was just a lot of people surprised by a girl saving the president; even if shes from a different time..." Sharon explained. "Do you think the CIA might have suspicion about me?"
       "They could..." he answered. "They could see you as a threat due to you being in the wrong time by the way you dress the first time you appeared."
"I know that," she replied. "I also know Jack convinced both of them not to take me away from him."

Abe raised a brow, looking over. He didn't asked anything else and patted her shoulder. Abe finally disappeared. Sharon changed into her PJs before getting ready for bed. She slid into the bed, laying her head gently onto the pillow.
       Sharon stared up at the ceiling, letting the tiredness take over her before falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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