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I open my eyes to find a sleeping Alex by my side he looked so relaxed. After examining his pretty face. I decided to check my phone and maybe call Tony so i could ask him about his day....but apparently he had already done that............seventeen times..... Looking at the screen regretting all my decisions. I started debating id i should call him back or not. He will yell at me. Ugh i need some water, i got up, and when i started walking i got tangled in a blanket that was covering Alex. Oh crap, this is when i mess up i thought to myself.
AAAAND guess what? yes. I did land on him. and while trying to untangle myself out we ended up in a, yes you guessed it, weird position. I looked at him in the eyes with his sleepy hair and said.

-sorry- hoping he wasn't mad

-don't worry n/n- he let out a chuckle and so did I.
But just before we both got up, a yelling Tony crossing my door appeared.

-You better have a good mother fu....cking......WHAT the hell are you doing? were you really making out with a guy instead of answering my phone calls? which by the way were SEVEN-FUCKING-TEEN!- he exclaimed.

-Um hi, yes my audition went fine thank you for asking, and yeah, we were not making out.- I responded sarcastically while getting off of Alex - He is HOPEFULLY my new coworker, Alex Brightman, Tony Kellingman. Tony Kellingman, Alex Brightman.

-Hi nice to meet you- alex answered a little confused.

-OMG!! my best friend and a Broadway star.....MY BEST FRIEND AND A BROADWAY STARRRR- he said making a friends reference, we love watching the reruns!!

-I got that reference- said a smirking alex - But we are not together tho, we are just friends.

Thank god he undesirable the reference, because if he didn't. Oh man..... friendship equals to done! ....Just kidding he is great

-Ummm....OKAY tell me about your day- i asked my coworker/friend/sibling at heart.

-don't even get me started with that everything was shit. They said they liked my music and that the could sign me up!!- he said angrily.

I looked at Alex and he looked at me

-That actually sounds pretty good- Said Alex while rubbing his sleepy eyes.

-Yea how is that a bad thing?- I added.

-Forget it- he said a little bothered- How was yooouurr auditioooon????- he asked exitedly in a cute supportive voice.

-It wen-

-Let me answer that- Alex interrupted me by covering my mouth with his finger- she did amazing, she rocked it- Tony did a little excited dance - But she still doesn't think she is good enough for the role- the both guys said in unison.

I looked at them and left out a groan.
-I now that i'm an amazing actress and all of that. I just that a Lydia role is such a big of a deal!!

A/N : I know this chapter was short but next one will be longer I promise. Don't forget to vote and pleaaaaase tell me if i have any spelling mistakes. Thank you for reading. And if you are wondering how much time it takes me to update this story, well the answer is that i'll try to publish at least once a day.

Bye thank you so much!!!!

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