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a/n: sorry for the delay, i'm having sort of a block atm. But doing my best. Sorry again and enjoy.

I was  shouting like crazy, Tony and Alex shared some looks like this girl is going insane. But i really couldn't give a FUCK. Cause i had just been announced that IM GOING TO BE ON A BROADWAY SHOW......LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK............and an amazing show i might add. I just couldn't wait anymore i needed to meet the rest of the cast. This is amazing. After a lot of smiling, dancing and looking like i was affected by drugs Tony gently grabbed my arm and told me that i should sit down and relax a little.
I looked at him with big eyes and giggled while saying sorry. Then my gaze turned to Alex. My smile grew more and his too. I couldn't take it anymore. He was to cute to be just sitting there. I jumped from where i was standing and landed in his lap. Or at least that was the plan. Because we both ended up in the floor after i knocked him down from his chair. Apparently me being on top of him will be something happening a lot between us.
He groaned and hugged me back.

-Okaaaaay............i'll say you two should get a room, but the house is already yours y/n/n , sooooo i'll just go. BUT. Are you coming to my house tonight? we would like to make you a little something for all the pressure you've been into. - Said a smiling Tony, he was amazing. Simply the best friend someone could ever get. I won't get tired of repeating it.

- OF COURSE- i shouted while Alex was helping me getting up.

- Oh and Alex i know you must be a busy man, but you are invited too.- Tony said grabbing his keys to my apartment. - I'll send you the time and everything later okay love? - he asked

- Sure thing, bye sweets!!- I replied.

-Weeelp.... I should get going too, so you can phone your family and friends, you know, do your things. And i guess i'll pick you up before going to your friend's house. Toooony....right?- He said unsure

- YES - i replied a little to exited - ....sorry yes yeah sure let's do that. Good plan. Umm i'm sure that we will end up at a bar or something. Just a warning, Tony and his boyfriend can get a little too crazy sometimes.- I said

Alex started laughing, i look at him not knowing the reason of his sudden laughter.
When he stopped a little he asked

-  Only them can get a little crazy? really? HAHAHAHAHHAHA after what i just seen i think you can be pretty wild too.- He laughed.

- Weeeeeeelll yeeeeaaah..... let's say that everything gets wild with them around. They are great people.- I smiled

He copied my smile and then proceed to grab all of his stuff and after we said our goodbyes. I closed the door. Leaned my forehead against the door and left out a high pitched EEEEEEEKKKKK.
And after that quick burst of emotion i left out. I cover my mouth with my hands and remembered that Alex might have heard that......but i brush it off.

Then proceed to video call my parents. I don't know how they'll react really.

When they answer they can't help but notice my huge ass smile

-Are you smiling because of us or something great happened?- my dad asked giggling.

- SOMETHING GREAT HAPPENED- i frenetically answer.

My mom gives my dad a disappointed look, obviously joking.

- What's up then??? - She asked curiously

-READY!?........ILL BE STARRING AT A BROADWAY FUCKING SHOW !!!!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? COUSE I STILL CANT!!!!!!!!!!!- I yelled to my laptop screen

After a ton of compliments from my parents and a lecture about compromise from my dad we finished the call.
And i knew that after our call my mom would phone my aunt and my aunt would phone my grandad and on and on.
I left phoning my friends from back home for last. I was really tired after all of that energetic episode. It was early but nobody said that naps couldn't be taken at morning, so yeah. I decided it was the best thing to do.

The whole acting thingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن