3| Dynamite

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I was on my way home, listening to BTS in my headphones when I received his call. I know it is him. His ringtone on my phone is saved as "Fake Love" by BTS. I got excited and quickly fished my phone out from my pockets; I cleared my throat before accepting the call.

"James!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"Lara! You are on your way home?" James asked.

I smiled. "Yes, I am on my way home now. I just finished work. How about you? What are you doing now?" I asked.

"I am in a park now, just looking at the sunset, and at the same time thinking about you. You would love this city. I will bring you here one day. Tell me about your day," James said. I can hear the fatigue in his voice, but at the same time, there is an undertone of youth and joy. I can also hear the laughter of the children in the background and the fast footsteps of joggers.

"That sounds fun. I am sure I would enjoy it there." I said calmly before describing to him what happened at work today.

It is always like this, even when we are dating. We would always tell each other on the phone or in-person about our day, no matter if it is something big or small. We opened up our feelings to each other. On days when we don't talk about life, we talk about what we see, our surroundings, the weather, the people around us. It is always peaceful. While he enjoys listening to me talking, I also enjoyed listening to him. In a way, the words are like music, soothing and calming. It made us feel relief from worries and life.

I ended my narrative about my day when I reached my apartment. I unlocked my door and walked in, taking off my shoes, changing into my slippers, before locking the door behind me and walking toward the living room sofa, where I sat down and hugged my Shooky pillow.

"So, tell me about your day. How is work? Are you tired? You sound tired. Did you have enough sleep last night?" I asked.

James chuckled into the phone. I can hear the deepness of his voice. They are so warm and so close. "Work is good today. I was able to look around the city before and after work. The clients are nice too. They are very easygoing and cooperative. We were able to get a lot of things done today. I am not tired. I went straight to bed after your call last night, and I drank a few cups of coffee this morning when I woke up. It is not too bad," James told me slowly before talking about the city he is in.

I closed my eyes. I can see myself walking along the busy streets, filled with busy workers, parents, students, and kids as they were getting ready for Christmas and New Year. Every store was filled with consumers. Music can be heard in the busy shopping center, along with the chatter of the people. The sweet and savory smell of food can be smelt in the air as vendors sell their specialties. Within a few hours, most of the shelves in the shops were empty, and workers had to quickly restock the things they had available. James is walking behind me, holding his camera. Like always, he is looking at me with a smile, while taking photos occasionally. I would also look back at him sometimes, pointing out the things that I saw just to look at him.

I opened my eyes and let out a heavy sigh. "It sounds like a beautiful place. I would love to visit there one day with you," I said.

"I will bring you here one day," James said.

I nodded, even though I know James will not be able to see me. "Then I will wait for that day."

There were a few moments of silence between us. We both just breathe and wait for the other to start talking. Then, James decided to break the silence.

"I am sorry, Lara. I really wished to celebrate the holidays with you," James said.

"I know you are busy, James. Don't worry about it," I replied.

"No. It is still my fault. We had planned so many things. You had planned so many things. You have been looking forward to this for such a long time. Then, I suddenly have to go overseas for a job. From how it looks right now, I may be able to finish my work before New Years'. I will try my best to get home as soon as possible," James assured me.

I sighed. "James, the only thing I need right now is for you to be safe. As long as you are safe, it doesn't matter," I answered.

James sighed from the other end of the phone.

We talked for a while before ending the call. I checked the clock and opened up my Bluetooth to listen to BTS while cooking dinner.

It is okay. As long as he comes back home safely. 

✔️Before the New Year Bell RingsWhere stories live. Discover now