7| Life Goes On

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Lara's POV

Within a few minutes, it will be New Years. My brothers and I decided to go to the city center to do the countdown and watch the fireworks. I met Jessica there as well and decided to go together. I was sitting in a seat that my brothers had secured for us, holding my crepe. Everyone around me is excited for the countdown.

"Lara, don't be sad. It will be a new year!" Lara said cheerfully in front of me as she waved her firework around. She also handed me one as well. "Here. Have this! You should be having fun!"

"Thank you, Jess," I said while eating my crepe and took the firework with my free hand.

Jessica stared at me for a while as I played with the sparkling stick and ate my food. She then pouted and sat down next to me, waving her new stick in front of her. "When my brother comes back, I will scream at him. How dare he leave you during the holidays when you are looking forward to it so much?" Jessica muttered.

I laughed. "It is not his fault," I said.

"Oh, it is his fault. You are also saying it in your heart. Out of any day, why during the holidays to work? Like seriously. That is totally not what a boyfriend should do," Jessica exclaimed.

I sighed. "I know that, Jessica. But I come to terms with it. There is almost nothing we can do about it," I said.

"Yea, you just talked with him on the phone every night and then listened to BTS. Seriously, that brother of mine needs to fix that," Jessica said.

"That is one of his strong points as well," I chuckled.

"When he comes home, let's give him some scolding!" Jessica said, looking at me with glittery eyes. I think she had been wanting to have a chance to yell at him for a while now.

"I will count on you then," I said with a smile.

Lucus, Liam, and Levi, at that time, ran toward us, waving while holding some things they brought from the vendors around. They sat down next to us as we talked and watched the clock as time got closer to zero.

Thirty seconds before the countdown, everyone was looking at the clock expectantly and excited. I am excited as well. By that time, I had already finished with my crepe and was holding my hands together, as if I was praying. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something pink floating around me. I didn't bother. I guess it knows that I am ignoring it because it floats right in front of me and looks at me, before touching my nose with its tail. I glared at it at first before my eyes went into shock and surprise.

It was the pink whale in front of me. It noticed that I am now paying attention to it because it swam straight up to the sky, where the moon shines. My head follows it, wondering where it is going. I wonder if it is going to the moon.

Then, the countdown began.











"Happy New Year!"

But, that wasn't what I was focusing on. It was the voice behind me that said "Happy New Year, dear." A voice that I know so well.

I turned around, hoping that I wasn't imagining it. He was there. Just standing three feet away from me, within my arm's length, with two bags next to him, smiling at me. He looked as if ran after the plane as if he knew I was here.

Tears gathered up in my eyes as I took a step and jumped into his open arms.

"James! You are home!" I cried, tears falling from my eyes and my arms holding him tight.

His arms held me carefully and enveloped me with great warmth. Fireworks were being fired into the air as the sky shines with different colors. I can feel the eyes of my brothers and Jessica, but I don't care. Tears continued to come out as I remembered my loneliness during the holidays, waiting for him.

"I am home, dear. Happy New Year," he said.

✔️Before the New Year Bell RingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang