5| Dis-ease

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Lara's POV

I smiled at the message James sent me before sending a message back to him. He can be so cute sometimes.

I put on my coat, scarf, and boots before leaving the apartment to my parent's house. Today is Christmas Eve, and my family had prepared a feast for us. My brothers were also going to be at home to celebrate the holidays. If James was here, we would be celebrating our Christmas together.

I hooked my head. "Let's not think about it. He will be home soon. We always have next year's Christmas to look forward to," I said in my mind, patting my face with my gloved hands before grabbing my bag and locking the door.

I walked down the street with my headphones on, listening to BTS "Dis-ease". Occasionally, I would rub my hands together to warm it up and blow in it before putting them back in my coat pockets. I looked lonely, walking alone in the streets.

"It is so cold today. I wonder if it will be snowing today," I thought, continuing to walk down the streets, waving and greeting the people that I know. I get to the subway station and wait for the next train to arrive.

My house is only a few stations away from my parents. It is very convenient to travel back and forth. I remembered that my parents want me to learn how to drive so that I can save my expenses on the train tickets.

I sighed and giggled at the thought of my parents. They can be so cute sometimes. But, I guess they have the right to get worried about their only daughter's life. I guess when James comes back home, he will be in big trouble with my parents. They were so excited to see him this Christmas too. I guess I will just have to explain it to them first.

I got onto the subway and looked out the window as BTS continued to play in my ears. I will never get bored with the scenery outside the moving train no matter how long and how many times I look out. The song "Spring Day" fits well with the trip.

Soon, I arrived at my stop and stepped out of the subway. I reached my parent's house within a few minutes because their house is right next to the subway station. I knocked on the door, and within a few minutes, my mom opened the door.

"Lara! Darling! Baby! You are finally home! Come in! Come in! You must be cold from walking outside. Come in! I will get some hot tea for you to warm up. You should just call your brothers, and they will pick you up," Mom exclaimed as she pushed me into the house, closing the door behind her. She took my coat and scarf and hung them up at the hanger next to the entrance of the house. Then, she rushed to the kitchen where I think Dad is cooking to make some hot tea for me. I smiled and walked to the living room, where my brothers were sitting on the sofas and the floor, watching the television.

"Lucus! Liam! Levi! How are you?" I called.

One by one, they turned to look at me before they rushed over and gave me bear hugs.

"Our baby sister Lara! You are finally home! We miss you so much! Are you suffering outside? Are you being bullied? You have to let your big brothers know!" Lucus exclaimed. He unheld me and then scanned my face.

"I am fine, Lucus. Work is also good. The students are nice. I just have some more papers to grade before anything. How are you guys doing?" I asked.

We all sat around the table in the living room as we caught up with each other's life. It has been a while since I last saw them. We laughed together and talked as I drank the tea Mom gave me. When dinner comes, we help our parents to set up the table.

"Where is your boy, Lara?" Mom asked as she picked some food and put it on my plate.

"He has work and will be back sometime near New Years'" I said while eating.

"At the holidays?" Dad asked, looking at me.

I sighed. "Yea. It is not his fault. His boss suddenly called him for work," I explained. "It is a last-minute request. I still contact him though."

My parents sighed. "The present is so different from the past. Your bosses actually give you work during the holidays. Back at my age, we at least have the holidays off, even though we don't have breaks," Mom said, remembering the past.

I laughed. "The time is different now, Mom. I am sure he will be back soon," I said.

We talked over dinner and after a few hours, my brother packed everything up and washed the dishes while I went to take a bath. Wearing my pajamas and a coat over it, I stood on the terrace, listening to BTS as I enjoyed the cold air. I wonder what James is doing now.

Picking up my phone, I took a picture of the starry night and sent it to him. It was then when a star suddenly flew by.

"A shooting star!" I exclaimed with excitement. You can't see them so often. I quickly put my hands together and made a wish.

"I hope that James will be back before New Years," I wished before opening my eyes.

I stand there for a while longer before walking back to the house and to the room I will be staying at. Tomorrow will be another busy day, and I need to wake up early.

"Merry Christmas, James," I whispered before going to bed to sleep.

Before I fell asleep, I heard a voice in my ears.

"Your wish will be granted."

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