Chapter 11

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The door behind me slowly opend and closed.I turned and i saw Mechi.She was going to fall any minute.She was sooo drunk and was wearing high heels.How i wanted to go and hold her tight so she cant fall.I couldnt but atleast i had to try.I went to her ,i tried to take her hand but i just went threw her.And she she felt a strong current.She looked around,i was scared but it seemed like that was good for her because she wasnt drunk anymore.

Mechi what have you done?-he asked her shocked.He went to her in a hurry.He took her tight and put Mechi on tge couch so she can lay down.

Jorge:Mechi are you alright?Does your head hurt?Where do you keep your medicines?

She just nodded and pointed at the white door behind Jorge.Looks like she still keeps her medicines there.

I transfered there and then he did it too.He looked around but didnt knew which closet to open.Jorge started from those from the bottom.I think i need to help.I clicked the white door on the right closet on the top.The door opened,it was with a button which was just for convenience..

*Sorry for the short and boring chapter.

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