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Ooh how I wanted to be in his arms again..I really wanted to cuddle next to him and watch those videos together
*He standed up,then he turned the TV off and sighed...He took his jacket from the wardrobe and went out.I was following him..I could hear his hard breathing..Jorge went to his car,he opened the door and got in..~I was wondering where he might go..I was walking in the snow..Actially it doesn't snow so much in London.uuh it's very coold :(..I saw the kids next to me who were having fun,laughing,running and making balls from snow(:..I still think that this is a bad dream and once I wake up everything is gonna be like before..I lost him so I decided to go to my house.My parents started caring about me when they saw me on the covers of the magazines and for the money..I know it's hard to believe but it's true:(..I opened the door and no one was inside the house so I decided to go in the cemetery again.. And I saw Jorge..He was beside my grave and he was talking something but I couldn't hear and I saw him crying.. :'(

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