Chapter 2 -I'm DEAD

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I couldn't believe this!If I could only get up!!I was going to slap her!!How can she kiss my boyfriend,well almost but she tried anyway.I didn't paid attention to the 2nd words but I heard the first ones.For a moment I was terrified.Imagine what would happen if she kissed him!?Maybe she was going to take him from me?!I don't wanna lose him,not from her :'(
In some minutes she went out leaving me alone.The days were passing by and I couldn't see anything except dark.I was feeling dead but alive too..The door opened again.There was a very strong perfume.I already knew who was it,I mean I could never forget about that perfume.i have it to him.I remember how much he liked it.He promised he will wear it always and when he haves no more he will buy it again to think about me.That made me kinda strong,but just for a moment..moment where I could see his eyes...I heard the sound of the aparat which said piiiiiiiiiip ....I knew what it meant..I was so confused but when I remembered everything ..I knew..I was DEAD..The feeling of being dead is so strange..I never expected that when I die I will be at this place.I imagined being in hell and all in fire and not this..white place..In the next moment I saw a door infront of me..I opened it and got in.I was on Earth again..I could see everything and everyone but they couldn't see me. I wanted to see if they already buried me.I headed to the cemetery,which were out of the city and I found out that I can walk really fast like only with my mind.I saw alot of people in one place.I went to them..It didn't look like cemetery ,but more like a market.I can't believe how little I mean to them.My mum was walking around with papers in her hands.They were selling my house in north London.It costed 200,000 pounds..
It was advantageous for such a large house,or I can rather say palace.My dad was drinking wine.My friends couldn't stop talking to eachothers.All this made me sad.But Jorge..he wasn't here..I taught I meant something to him..I wished to be with him at this moment..I wish I could be on his house now.I needed to see him!I opened my eyes!I looked at our living room..It didn't changed..the pictures and my life were still there..One of the pics was me in Paris..It was so perfect from the top of the Eiffel Tower😍I remember it was snowing and Jorge hugged me tight..😢*Ooh moments:(..I closed my eyes and then when I opened them I was at Jorge's room in his house ..I looked around and started remembering all the moments :'( ..Then I went out..It was snowing and Christmas was about to home(:I was with a long black dress,I don't even know how I was feeling the cold weather.Next to me camed the men I saw in that desk.He started following me:
The man:Come back!
*I pretended to not hearing him and started walking..
The Man:You have to go and make the mission or you will stay here locked somewhere!
*I turned around and I wanted to tell him that all of this is just a stupid dream and when I wake up everything is going to be as it was.But he was gone?!
I closed my eyes and wished I could be in Jorge's room again.I opened my eyes and I was there..I was wondering who can I find here ..or maybe I can find a girl..?!

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