Chapter 1

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My body was free,I was free.I feel like I can fly.I coudnt see anything..the last thing I saw was his face.In the next moment everything around me was black again.The gloom was everywhere beside me.A bright light was infront of my eyes..I blinked fast until I could finally see everything infront of me.
At first I looked my body..I was somehow paler..I was wearing a black dress and she looked just like everything around me which was white.In the distance,between the fog,I saw something..I started walking slowly..I saw a huge line of people,but why all of them were dressed in white and I was the only one dressed in black?!I went to the line too and then I could finally see my goal.I saw a small desk and a man sitting behind it.I looked at him questioningly..he coudnt stop looking at me..
-Your mission isn't completed.You need to go back on earth and then you will go threw the door.You have 2 months,if you go beyond the time limit you will remain exiled forever!

*I think I need to start from the begging to understand me.

*3 days early:
The party was in his full swing and I was the only one that still hasn't drink anything.I saw her too,she was sitting and watching him even know the fact that she will never have him.He was just him..I could see the Jelous in her eyes.I wanted to make her even more jelous.I got close to my boyfriend and kissed him.Mechi was sooo Jelous and that made me smile.I was selfish,I had everything-Friends,if I that's the way i can call the people who were always with me just for the paparazzi,just so they could feel famous;Parents if that's the way I can call the 2 old persons,living in the same house as me which never paid attention to me!
Sometimes I was asking myself if Harry feels something to me or it was just because people said we are a cute couple..nobody denies,I was beautiful,slim,slight..Maybe you already guessed that I'm a model.And of my words you can see that I'm very confident,but after all I was also a person.I loved to have fun,to live..I felt something to him too..
*Me and Jorge walked to the car,he opened the door for me,I smiled and got in the car.He got in too and started driving.He promised to get me home.He was driving soooo fast,he had to watch the road..then Jorge turned to me for a second but it was enough..
I shouted very loud and then I saw two lights heading to us.
My voice sounded more shrill as usual;He turned around immediately,the pupils of his eyes widened,maybe from fear but then they became increasingly smaller and smaller ..because of the light infront of our eyes.Only a few seconds later there was a loud crash.Everything beside me was black.I could feel my limbs began to cool,which caused me pain.I heard the sirens of the ambulance and the police and the sound got louder and louder.I could hear their voices which were ringing in my head,forming echo,but I couldn't understand what they meant.Maybe 15 mins later I could feel a strong electric.
I started hearing again.The voices were kinda unknown for me.But I couldn't hear what they were saying.It looks like I'm in a hospital.Few sec later someone grabbed my hands and my feet and they took me to the other bed.I tried to open my eyes but it didn't work.Someone opened the door and got in.I heard a girl's voice.At first I coudnt tell who was it but then I could say it was Mechi.
*Why she had to be the first person to come in my room*
Mechi:Martina I know that maybe you are not hearing me but I wanted to apologize.Im sorry for everything I've ever told you..And I also wanted to apologize for that time when I wanted to kiss Jorge..I'm sorry for everything..

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