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I saw him crying and then I saw Mechi?!I saw her crying too..which was strange ..then she went to my grave and went beside Jorge?!!I don't think that is the moment for making out with him.Mechi started talking too and I couldn't believe her words..they were so nice and truly said and I could see her pain,the words were:
*Martina,I'm gonna miss you..I'm sorry for everything*
Her words touched me..I still can't believe she just said that.Everything was so confusing and strange.My parents weren't even at my grave,my "friend" which is my frenemy just said that and my boyfriend who I taught doesn't care about me is standing at my grave and crying...I remember how me and Mechi became frenemies:
~4 years early:
*I was walking ,the sun was shining.Mechi was running after me,trying to stop me.I was crying so hard.Then I didn't understand that this isn't going to be my last love.I taught she took him from me,but then I was so happy because she was sad when he broke up with her..
-Finally she came next to me.She took my hand..Her pupils were widened idk why..
Mechi:Martina why are you crying?-she was watching me surprised.
I sighed.
I took my hand off her and then started wiping my tears angry.
I:Do you know why?Because I hate seeing you together.Because you know I like him.Dont pretend that you don't see how I act when I see you together.Dont pretend you didn't knew I like him before you started dating?You are awful!!Now go to your boyfriend and leave me alone,because you no longer have a best friend!!!
*I I think I never have done something so stupid.I remember how shocked she was from my words.In the next 2 months I wasn't talking to anyone,I was closed in myself.I remember that one of the spring days someone ringed on our door.I opened it,I saw Mechi .. Her face was red.She said he broke up with her..I just laughed at her and closed the door..How could I possibly do that?!
I was going to her house:
I went inside Aand I saw a book.That has to be her diary ..It was 300 pages which more of them were written.I started reading..Most of the things in there were for her and me and ...him..Maybe I had to feel her pain..I mean I was threw this too..

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