Chapter 12: Hanji's Children

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The trip itself took about a half hour to get there. You and Eren followed Hanji into what looked like an encampment. Except instead of walls, green tarp was wrapped around the area. Dozens of men from the garrison surrounded the area, each looking more nervous than the next. It was clear to see why for in the middle of the clearing sat two titans. Each had thick steel wires wrapped around necks and countless nails pinning their limbs to the ground.

"So this is Sawney and Bean," Hanji gestured to the smaller titan and then the larger one. Sawney looked a bit younger than Bean with his baby blue eyes and golden hair. Bean had brown hair with brown eyes and lay flat down the the ground. He didn't look to be too much older but his face still held the same child like quality. Both held the same lifeless expression that didn't seem to change unless someone walked a little too close to them.

Of course, no one other than Hanji dared to go near them. Even though the titans were clearly bound in place, they still instilled fear into all the soldiers around you. For some reason you were not one of those soldiers. Instead you felt compelled to go towards the titans, the smaller one in particular. "What did you say his name was?" you asked Hanji.

"Oh that's Sawney!" Hanji replied proudly "I named him after the famous cannibal Sawney Bean. That's why I named him Bean," they pointed to the titan pinned to the ground.

"Don't call him that" you answer bluntly. You weren't quite sure how but somehow you knew that the titans didn't like those names. 

"Hmm?" Hanji looked at you quizzically "What should they be called then?"

"His name is Dai," You pointed to the blond titan before shifting your finger to the other. "And his name is Michio," 

You saw the soldiers exchange glances and whisper to each other. Hanji on the other hand seemed delighted at the new names. "Those names fit them much better! Let me try them out,"

"Hello Dai!" Hanji shouted as the blond titan. Immediately the titan's pupils widened while focusing his blue eyes on Hanji. "YAHOO! It worked! [Y/N] you are a genius!" They enveloped you in a tight hug "I'm going to try Bean!" Hanji repeated the same process on the other titan, yielding the same results. "Then it's settled, your new names are Dai and Michio," Hanji's smile was ear to ear as they ran back and forth between the titans, calling out their names.

"[Y/N], what the hell?" Eren snapped, harshly grabbing your shoulder "Why would you give them human names? They're monsters!"

"I didn't give them those names! That's what they are!" You angerly reply, yanking your arm away from him. 

"How do you know that?!"

Before you could reply Hanji interrupted. "Come on you two! Let's see what else they can do!"

"What do you mean?" You nervously asked as Hanji dragged you and Eren over to the titans. 

"Remember what I told you last night? We've been running experiments to learn more about them. We've already tested sunlight deprivation, since titans are only active during the day, but now we're seeing how they react to pain," 

"Is this...really necessary?" You asked timidly "I mean we already know that cutting their spinal cord kills them,"

Hanji sighed heavily "Yes," their voice was strained. "I hate hurting my kids but we have to see if titans having weaknesses other than their eyes" Before you could stop them, they picked up a spear and thrust it into Dai's chest. The air around the hole fizzled with steam but as far as reaction, there was none. 

"Stop it!" you shouted, pushing Hanji out of the way. Grabbing the spear, you pull it out of Dai's chest before turning the blade towards them. "If you EVER hurt him again-"

It was then you felt something sharp pushed against your back "Back down," a sharp voice growled. Peering over your shoulder you saw one of the garrison's soldiers holding his spear against you. The rest had gathered around you, readying their weapons. 

"I'm sorry!" you plead raising your hands in submission. You had no idea what just came over you. Why the hell did you react in such a way?

"It's okay," Hanji's voice quivered in just as much shock as you were. "Lower your weapon soldier," 

As the soldier's backed off, Eren ran in. "[Y/N], what the hell is wrong with you?" he grabbed a hold of your shoulders "They're fucking titans! Do you know how many people they've probably killed? They deserve pain and much more!"

Get the fuck off me!" you threw his hands aside. "You wouldn't understand!"

"Understand what?" he yelled back in exasperation 

"I...don't know," you hardened your eyes "Just leave me alone!" You dodged his hands and ran out of the holding area.  You just couldn't watch anymore of that torture. It didn't make sense to feel such a way. Titans were killers, bloodthirsty killers. No one should have ever have any remorse for them.

So why the hell do you?

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