Chapter 13: Family

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You had to find something to occupy your thoughts since you couldn't leave until the others were done. You decide to head into town to visit your family. You hadn't seen them in awhile so it'd be nice to catch up. As you made your way down the cobblestone path you couldn't help but feel nostalgic. Life was so much simpler back when all you had to worry about was getting your work done and taking care of your family. Your steps quickened at the prospect of seeing them again. Eventually you made your way to your house. Your heart leaping with excitement as you run up the steps and knock on the door. "Mother, Father!" you call out, banging furiously on the door.

"Who are you?"

You jump in surprise at the sudden voice behind you. Turning around you see a young boy about six or seven years old. "Oh, you scared me!" you blush, scratching the back of your head.

"Why are you at my house?" the little boy asked

"Your house?" you question him. You were pretty sure this was your house.

"Yeah, my mom and dad live here. Well me and my older sister too," he looked at you oddly.

"So Mr. and Mrs. [Last Name], don't live here?"

"No," the boy replied. "I told you, this is my house,"

"May I help you?" a gentle voice asks from behind you. Turning around you see a woman standing in the doorway. She looked similar to the boy so you assumed she was his mother.

"No, I'm sorry. I guess I have the wrong house,"

"Oh," the woman replied "Who's house are you looking for?"

"My parents. I haven't seen them in awhile, maybe they moved. Although I don't know why they wouldn't have told me,"

"Hmm, that is strange. What are there names?"

"Mr. and Mrs. [Last Name]"

The woman's face scrunched. "No I don't recognize that name. Strange," she paused "I've lived in this area all my life but I've never heard of them before,"

"Really?" her words unnerved you.

"I'm hungry!" the little boy whined from behind you.

"Toshi, don't be rude!" the woman scolded

"It's quite alright," you reply "I should be going anyways. Sorry to bother you,"

"No bother at all," she looked at your worriedly "Will you be alright?"

"Yes," you smile as reassuringly as you could. "I'm sure I've just gotten turned around in here,"

"Well good luck finding your parents,"

"Thank you," you wave as you made your way down the road.

You were a bit perturbed by the whole situation. How could you have gotten your house wrong? Sure it had been awhile since you've been home, but you've lived here most of your life. You should know how to get home. You made your way back to the town, intent on searching the other side of it. That's when you saw him. Unknowing eyes would assume he was an adolescent boy but his strong confident walk clearly portrayed none other than the Corporal.

You quickly ducked behind a nearby wall. What was he doing here? As much as you wanted to find your family home, you were also really curious to see what he was up too. After a quick internal debate you decided to follow him. For a short man he did have a quick pace as you had to move fast to keep up. Usually he wasn't in a rush to get anywhere but this time seemed different.

Eventually he left the town and went up a little dirt path to a wrought iron fence. As you approached you realized that it was to a graveyard. Despite the beautiful fall colors on the trees, it was a depressing place. Many of the gravestones were recently visited based on footprints and the fresh flowers laid tenderly on the ground. 

You continued to follow Levi the best you could, ducking behind headstones so that he wouldn't spot you. Finally his pace slowed until he stood in front a small tombstone. You squinted your eyes trying to make what the grave said.

'Here lies Natasha Aubrey
Survey Corps Soldier'

'Natasha?' Your eyes widen with recognition. That's the girl that he's always accusing you of looking like! Now it made sense. You recalled the conversation you overheard between him and the Commander. She, along with two other of Levi's friends, had died in the Survey Corps. The fact that you look like her was probably a constant reminder of his guilt.

"You may come out now [Y/N],"

It took a moment before you realized that Levi had spoken to you. Oh crap, he found you out! You were definitely in trouble now. Coming out of your hiding spot you slowly approached your superior.

"Why are you here?" he asked. There was slight sadness tone. It made sense considering the location, still you were surprised he wasn't mad at you. 

"I saw you come here, I...I..." you pause racking your brain for excuses.  "I just wanted to thank you!" you blurt before he got the chance to speak.

"For what?" he asked in a flat tone

"For taking care of me earlier"

"You already thanked me-"

"But it wasn't a sincere thanks," 

Without thinking, you closed the gap between you and planted a kiss on his cheek. His eyes widened as you backed away. "Thank you, Levi," His eyes opened wider with the use of his first name. You weren't quite sure how he was going to react to either of those two things so you swiftly made your exit, not even daring to look back. 

Smile (Levi x Reader) - Slow updatesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя