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((This is basically an explanation of Ray's life))

Ray Dupree- singer, dancer, actress, good with a skateboard, and good with writing; was born in Paris, France. Her parents, Danae & Charles, always did their best to support their daughter and give her the best life possible. It was really hard for Ray's parents to do their best with financial problems, and the fact that they weren't doing so well in the love department.

When Ray was 10, her parents split and Ray stayed with her mom. When Ray turned 11, her and her mom moved to New Orleans, Louisiana.

New Orleans is where Ray gained her love for writing and acting.

When Ray was 13, she auditioned for a spot in "The Walking Dead". Unsurprisingly, she got part as Spencer Morre. But, unfortunately, her character died not to long after.

That was the start of her career; and ever since then, she picked up singing, skateboarding, and dancing.

When she turned 15, she auditioned for the part of Valerie Worshire in "IT 2017" and luckily got the part. That's when she met her future best friends -Sophia, Finn, Chosen, Jaeden, Jeremy, Wyatt, & Jack ((was Jackson there?))- on the set while doing some sort of bonding exercise.

And that's where this love story between two beautiful, young girls starts- but not before you know something horrible that happens behind the curtains. . .

Ray's mother got married to this man, Arnold Collins, a year before Ray met anyone from the "IT 2017" cast. He's a Russian doctor that met Ray's mother through a dating site called Bumble. It was all nice throughout the dating part. But when Danae and Arnold got married, Arnold became abusive and lustful towards both women. They both grew very depressed, leading to Arnold prescripting them ((just believe that this is how it works cuz im tired and don't really know what's going on)) anti-depressants so that they could keep up the act they needed.

Now.. This is where the story begins. . .

(   𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝖺𝗄𝖾𝗌   )      𝗌𝗈𝗉𝗁𝗂𝖺 𝗅𝗂𝗅𝗅𝗂𝗌Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora