Hatori's story

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Hatori's story
“Oh, the love of my love, how I’ve missed thine beauty!” Ayame cried as he watched Shigure walking toward us.
“Thy perfection brightens my day!” Shigure called back.
“Will you two knock it off.” I growled my hand already on the door to the bookstore.
“He just doesn’t understand our love.” Ayame declared dramatically as he fell into Shigure's waiting arms. I rolled my eyes as the embraced giving each other cheek kisses. Somedays I did wonder just how far their relationship went. Then I would remind myself who I was thinking about. Nothing was beyond them. I smirked as I jerked the handle.
The chimes rang out. A few people looked up at us. Ayame breezed in like a king entering his palace. That was him though. Where ever he went he was the attraction, we were just side decor. I glared at Shigure as we fought to see who was getting through the door behind our illustrious prince. He won, because he was a dirty dog that stomped on my foot while elbowing me in the gut.
There were days when I wondered why I bothered with these two at all. Neither were fit for my company. My eye traveled around the store. But then without them, I would be locked up in a study or lab somewhere. No other contact from the outside world. I dreamed of days like that, especially when I somehow agreed to spend an entire day with these buffoons.
“Shigure, your book is in.” the lady behind the counter gave him a weary smile. He never saw her flirt with him. For him being the biggest flirt I knew, how did he not see that she was interested in it. I shook my head. That’s when I saw her. There really wasn’t anything striking about her. Auburn hair in a ponytail, the curls like a water fall down her back. She had these huge blue eyes that drew you in. The rest of her face was fine, ordinary actually. She was small, barely over five feet, even with the two inch heals on.
Snickering as I saw where her eyes had traveled to. Shigure stood with his back to her. He flirted with counter girl crazily.  I glided over to stand behind him.  He had the girl blushing over something. I whispered into his ear. “Don’t you think the garden section needs your attention.”
For all his many, many flaws, Shigure was never stupid. His eyes darted over to the girl. That was when I saw something on his face I never thought I would see. He was struck dumb. He stood starring at the woman. She smiled, even waved to him, but he didn’t move.
“Go, I can finish up here.” I said. He still didn’t budge. The look in his eyes wasn’t of greed, lust or even humor. He was a man who was seeing his future. I blinked. Never in my life would I have thought this idiot had any depth of feeling like this. Spinning on my heal I marched up to the girl.
“Good morning miss.” I said with a slight bow. “My friend over there is a bit taken with you.” Her face heated at my words. “Would you care to join us all for lunch?” I asked. She blinked up at me.
“Us?” Her voice came out breathless.
“Well, him really. I will keep Ayame under control.” I sighed. “That is Shigure. The world’s biggest flirt, until he actually becomes interested in something." I stage whispered. She giggled.
“What is this? Shigure is betraying me?” Ayame appeared out of thin air behind the girl. His eyes flashing to the man standing so still one hand holding the counter for support. I saw Ayame's mouth drop open. He was as shocked as I was.
“Well let’s see here…” he spun the woman around holding her at arms length. “Hmm, pretty unremarkable for his tastes, don’t you think?” he asked rudely. I pulled the girl away.
“My rude friend is Ayame. I am Hatori.” I said.
“Keesha.” She breathed the name. I smiled. Before I could continue our conversation, Shigure managed to come over.
“A lovely name indeed.” He breathed out. “What books are you looking at?” Now that he was talking to her, I dragged Ayame away.
“Our boy is growing up.” He looked stricken.
“Sorry for your loss, Ayame.” I muttered as I pulled him out the door. We had only been in there a few moments. I still needed to find several books for my college classes, but somehow found that Shigure finding a love interest like that, was fascinating to me.
Ayame and I took up seats at an outdoor table across the street. It was a little hole in the wall type coffee place. We ordered drinks. Watched as Shigure talked to her. When they came out, neither bothered to look for us. They simply walked off toward the park.
As soon as they were out of sight, Ayame and I went back to the bookstore to finish up our selections. We didn’t see Shigure again for a few weeks. The day he came to tell us he was getting married. We were floored. Even Ayame was speechless.
** “Trust me if you knew him, you would understand how amazing that was.” Yuki broke into the tail. He then began coughing. We all descended on him until he stopped. I took a break in my story to check on the boy. A wane smile touched my lips.
“Go to sleep. You need your rest.” I muttered into his ear. Sitting back I looked around the room. Tohru was perched behind Kyo, her large eyes on the back of his head. Her two friends framing her like guards protecting a wonderful statue. Was that how the world saw myself and Shigure whenever Ayame was around? I smiled at the thought. Yet I noted how Kyo kept a hand on the sick boys head. Softly he stroked the fine hair as Yuki snuggled down into the blankets.
“Back to Shigure….” I began again.
“To say we were shocked was a gross understatement. Not only had he not known her long, but he was the biggest flirt of us all. To have him get married before us? That wasn’t even a concept in our heads.”
Of course, once he got over the initial shock of it all Ayame jumped at planning the wedding. His fashion sense and attention to detail left nothing uncovered. Shigure wanted to be married before I left for college. In three short weeks.
One day we were in the store reviewing invitation stock paper. Ayame was grilling the staff, Keesha standing transfixed at his side, while Shigure happily flipped through a catalog. The smile of pure contentment on his face.
“Shigure…?” I began.
“She's dying, Hatori.” He stated softly. “Here one wish is to have a storybook wedding before the end.” His sad eyes lifted up to me. “I knew Ayame would take the reigns and not stress her too much with planning and such.” He gave a tender smile.
“And Akito?” I asked. Shigure sighed.
“I told him all about her illness and how little time she had. It was the only reason he agreed.” He stated.  “I wish you were already a doctor, my friend. For if you were, I know you would stop at nothing to save her for me.” I laid a hand on his shoulder.
“No matter what, you know I am always here for you.” I comforted him. He smiled.
“I should tell Ayame. I fear his heart is shattering over this.” We both turned to our bright out going friend. He looked nothing like the depressed sot that Shigure was envisioning him to be. I chuckled.
“Please tell him. She deserves to have her wedding, not his.” Shigure laughed with me, but Ayame was standing at Keesha's side demanding she gets the right stuff.
“He is perfect for this.” Shigure giggled. I nodded.
The wedding was fantastic. Flower, arches, birds the whole works, all taking place in the gardens on the Sohma estate. Nothing was sever so beautiful as Keesha. She came down the aisle like a queen. Prince Shigure awaiting her.
She wore an ivory dress that boosted up her breasts. It flowed in silken waves down her slim body over her narrow hips to flare out dramatically to the ground. The bead work and design of silver etching through it caught the sunlight sprinkling her in a glittering light. Ayame's best work to date, if I should say so. She was lovely that day. As I stood at Shigure’s side, Ayame had elected to control everything else to the point where he told Shigure he could not be his best man as well. Of course I took up the position proudly.
Once the ceremony was over the reception flew by. Their smiles immortalized in photos, I gave a wonderful speech about my amazing friend. Shigure did one thing right in his life, when he fell in love with her. He made sure it was all perfect.
They went on a two week honeymoon. Not long after they returned did her illness kick in heavily. She became bed ridden just a few weeks later. She never fully recovered. There were times when she would be well enough to get out of bed. These only lasted for a few days to a week. Then she would be forced back in.
Shigure, he never stopped taking care of her. Living on the Sohma estate so the doctor there could check in on her everyday. He dotted on her. To Akito’s displeasure. Yet somehow my beloved friend found ways to subdue the anger in our family head. Shigure for all his perviness has a way with people. He kept Akito in check, while doing all he could for his wife.
Keesha was thrilled. Whenever she was able to get up to do stuff, Shigure filled her days with things from her bucket list. He did all he could to finish it for her. Including writing that horrible book. She was into love stories, so he wrote one for her.
Then the end drew close. It was less than a year from the time they met. She grew increasingly frail. It was over relatively quick as these things go. Yet to watch her slowly deteriorate took its toll on Shigure. Ayame and I did all we could to ease his burdens.
It still took several weeks for her to pass. After the funeral, he shut us out. Came down here to lock himself away. His writing took off, keeping him busy. It was years before he was even a resemblance of the man I knew. Now, well now he is this.
I turned waving my hand to the shadow standing in the doorway. None of the teens had seen him appear. Shigure stood leaning against the door frame. A smile touched his thin lips.
“You tell such elegant stories, Hatori.” He said. I smiled.
“Yuki is finally resting.” I said as I stood up. Slipping the jacket back on. I collected my things. Placing my hand on his shoulder we gazed at each other. I wouldn't acknowledge our friendship to anyone, but the truth was, he was a dear friend.
“I am needed back at the estate. Call if he worsens.” I said.
“Of course.” Shigure smiled at me. I left as they all saw him in a different light. The night was cool as I stepped out into it. Drawing in a deep breath I looked up at the clear sky. Keesha would always be looking out for the man inside.
Turning I looked back inside. The scene would warm anyone’s heart. The sick Yuki, curled in a ball under a thick blanket, Kyo guarding him, hushing those talking to loudly. Shigure standing surrounded by the girls as they exclaimed over the side of him that he hid from all but Ayame and myself.
“Good luck my friend.” I chuckled as I headed off to return to my lone office.

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