Chapter 6

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"WAKE UP ! " " AHH !" "CHILL" Jess busted out laughing. "CHILL?! You don't fucking wake someone up like that ! " "Sorry.." "What do you want ?" "Did you forget ?" "What do you mean?" "ARIANA the party !" "Oh yea. Sorry." "Well get dressed!" "This early?!" "Yup. Hurry before Harry gets here." Jess walked out of the room.

After 20 minutes of struggling trying to find out what to wear I finally picked out a pastel pink lace tank top and put a pastel pink skater skirt on and threw on my white converse. I went to the bathroom and did my normal makeup. Then I did long & loose curls.
Once I finished I went back into my room and put on my Justin Bieber perfume.

I walked downstairs and sat on the couch. "Woah little sis." Jess said walking down the stairs. "Hi."
"You look beautiful." He smiled. "Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself." I gave him a wink.

"Heyyy" the door slowly opened. It was Harry.

"Okay ready to go ?" We both nodded our heads and began to walk out. I was almost out of the door but Harry spun me around to him. I looked around for Jess but he was in the car already. Harry just stared at me. "Wow. You look a-amazing." I blushed a little. "Thank you." I got on my tippy toes and stretched up and gave him a quick kiss. Then we both walked out the door and into the car. "What took yall so long?" I said the first thing that came to my head. "I fell." "Oh. Ha." He laughed a little. "So where's this party at?" "It's on the upper east side." "What ?! We're going to one of those parties!" "Uh yea, that's kinda why we needed you." "Oh. Well why do yall need to get in?" "Well why not ?"

After 30 minutes we finally arrived at a big White House. It looked like a mansion.

"Wow." "It's big , huh." We all nodded our heads in agreement. I hate Jess at the moment. He should've told me it was an elite party. "Jess ! Why didn't you tell me !" "Ariana chill." "Ugh now I'm underdressed." "You look fine." They both said. We parked our car and walked into the big mansion together.

Right as we entered a security guard was standing there. "Excuse me . Names?" "Stephan Gruger ." "Okay and you miss ?" "Her name is Estele Gruger." I looked at Jess with an uncertain smile. "Okay. And you in the back. Name ?" "Harry Styles." "Okay." The security guard let us through.

"Wow. It's beautiful." " I know, but why was Harry on the list ? " "Because he was invited." Jess chuckled. We walked into a big loft. There was a bunch of people standing around and talking , while drinking wine. Me and Harry went over to the bar and ordered two glasses of dark red wine while Jess walked around observing. The whole time I was drinking Harry was just staring at me.

"Com'on lets go." He grabbed my hand and we started walking around. "Where are we going?" I said as we where walking up a staircase. Once we made our way up, it was quiet. "Finally a quiet place." We walked down a a hall and went into a room and he sat down on one of the leather couches. I followed behind him and sat next to him. "So.. Why are we up here?" "To talk." "About ?" "Where we stand." "Okay." I feel my heart race. "Okay. So you said you wanna do it , right ?" "Yup." "You sure ? You can still back out if it's too much..." "Harry. I'm sure." I placed my hand on his. He let a little smile out. "Okay. Well here." He pulled a paper out of his suite. " What is this ?" "It's just a contract saying that you can't tell anyone about this." "Okay but why make a contract?" My lawyers insisted to have you sign it because they don't want my reputation being ruined." "Okay?" I was looking through it and kinda got overwhelmed. After a while I signed it. "Okay, so when do you wanna start ? " oh god. "Tonight ?" Why did I say that?!! My heart just dropped. "Okay." He put the contract back in his suite and smiled. Then we started to walk out of the room. "Wait. Harry.." "Yea?" "So, everything we do means nothing right ?" "Yea.. Unless you catch feelings." "Oh I won't. Trust me." I winked. "Good choice Sanchez." We got up and both walked out of the room and headed back downstairs.

"Hey! Where have yall two been ?" Asked Jess. I choked up. "She wanted to find a dress." Harry said. "Did you find one ?" "Nope. No luck." "Well, we're only gunna be here for another hour or two. "Okay." I smiled.

I started walking around and I saw this really pretty girl. She looked around my age. Within less than a minute of me looking at her she caught me. Oh shit. She's walking towards me . "Hi." "Hi.." "I'm Caroline." "I'm Ariana." "Pretty name." She smiled. "Thanks." "So, you enjoying the party?" She rolled her eyes. "Um I guess." "Im just kidding. This party is so lame." I just smiled nervously. "You wanna go somewhere else?" She smirked at me. "Uh , like?" "Oh, my friends are having a party. But trust me it's gunna be turnt. Do you smoke?" "Oh. Um no..why?" "You haven't?! And you're older than me! Oh my. You're gunna try it." She grabbed my hand and leaded me towards the door. "Wait. Can i at least tell my brother im leaving?" "Ugh. Ya hurry. I'll be waiting outside." "Ok." I looked around and couldn't find Jess or Harry. I opened my phone and clicked on Jess's name. It just rung. "Hello?" "Hey. I'm leaving with Caroline." "Leaving where ? And Caroline?" "A party. And she's my friend." "Okay. Text me when I need to pick you up. Bye." "Bye." I walked out and caught up to Caroline. "Done.. Do you have a car?" "Hah. No. I've already called Nathan to pick us up." "Who's Nathan?" "A guy... A really hot guy." "Hah okay.." "No like seriously he's hot. But he's a fuckboy." "Oh really.." I laughed at her. Just then a big black van drove up and honked at us. "GET IN!" "Caroline opened the sliding door and whispered to me, "That's him. In the passenger seat." She glanced up at him as she got in. So did I. "Looks like one." We sat in the middle of everyone. "Ooh Caroline .. Who's this?" Nathan's eyes looked me up and down. "Ariana." "Hey Ariana." He stepped on everyone and sat next to me. "Hi." "I'm Nathan." He smirked. I really didn't know what else to say so I just smiled and looked down. "You're so pretty." I felt myself get red. Nathan is hot. "Thanks." I laughed. "So how long have you known Caroline ?" "For about 5 minutes now." "Oh. Haha. Well then.. That's John , alex, Andrea , Jordin, Micheal, Zac, Blake, Amber." He pointed . "Hi." I waved. I turned back to Nathan. "So, whos party are we going to ?" "Katy." "Yalls friend ?" "Nah. Katy is seriously just a stuck up bitch." A voice from behind me said. "Oh. Wow. Okay.." "No we're not even joking." Caroline laughed. "Ready?" The driver yelled. "Ya." Everyone laughed.

Nathan opened the door and everyone got out of the van. We walked towards the front door when it suddenly bursted open. "heyyy." A really drunk girl came out and walked over to a plant and threw up. "Ew." "Haha. Let's party!" Andrea yelled. We walked in and there was a strobe light blinding us and loud pounding music. All you could see was people grinding on each other. Nathan walked around and I just followed behind him cause I couldn't see. After bumping into several people we got into the kitchen, where all the drinks were. I could see finally. "Want a beer?" "Sure." "Here." He popped one open and slid it over to me. "Thanks." "So do you drink ?" "Eh not really. You?" "At parties." "Oh. Well how old are you ?" "18. You?" "17." "Hmmm.." He looked up and his green eyes started at me. Oh god they're so beautiful. I picked up my beer and drank the rest of it. Once I set it down I was handed another one. And then another and another.

By then me and Nathan were just talking and laughing. He's a really funny guy. "Haha you're so stupid." I laughed. Ow.. Damn. My head hurts. I tried to walk out of the kitchen but I was really tipsy. I kept stumbling. "You okay?" He chuckled. "Ya. I'm fine." I laughed . "Wanna dance ?" "Sure." He nodded and led me to the middle of the floor. We both started dancing. But we couldn't really see eachother the strobe light was still going. I couldn't feel what I was doing. But I'm pretty sure we are grinding on eachother. And after 15 minutes of just grinding i stopped and waved at him and walked away. Trying to go back to the kitchen. I turned to see if Nathan was leaving too but another girl came and started grinding on him. I turned and bumped into someone. I couldn't see who. "Oh I'm sorry." A deep voice said. "Haha oh it's okay." I tried to see who it was but everything's blurry. "Here. Let's get out of here." He grabbed me by my waist and we started walking up some stairs. "Where are we going?" "Somewhere quiet." Once we got up the stairs I heard him open a door. He set me down on a bed. I still can't see who he is. He started taking off his shirt. "Ready babe ?" "What ?" Oh god. I can't see and my head fucking hurts. I know what's gunna happen but I can't control myself. He pushed himself on me. He was now on top. "What are you doing?! Stop!" "I'm so sorry. You seem like a sweet girl." I don't know what to do. I just started screaming. "NATHAN!" He covered my mouth. "Don't." He ordered me. He started kissing my neck and unbuttoning my dress.
I just started crying and whimpering. "Oh baby, it's not gunna hurt." "Please.." I blacked out.
Sorry for not updating :((

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