Chapter 1

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Ariana POV:
I couldn't stop looking at him. His hair was just really perfect . I just kept staring at him as he bit his lip. I just knew I wanted him.

"Hello... Ariana ?" "yes?" " The answer to number 4? " "What?" "Maybe you should've been paying more attention & not day dreaming during class !" Fuck. I forgot i was in class . He's just so hot ....
*DING (bell)*
ugh.. I'm so tired of school. I just walked to my locker but I felt something staring at me . I turned around and it was nash . I felt a little tingle run through my spine. I hate the feeling I get when I'm around him. Shit ... He's walking towards me , fuck . What do I say ? Do I look good ? Ugh.

Nash; hey.
Me; hi..
Nash; so ..your Ariana..
Me; yup.
Nash; I'm Nash, nice to meet you Ariana .
Me; ha , nice to meet you to.
Nash; so I was wondering... Could I get your number ?
Me; sorry your gunna have to try harder than that ;)

Why did I just do that ?!? MY HEART IS POUNDING !! FUCK IM STUPID !

Nash; well then , I'll see you later Ariana :)
Me; bye .. Nash.

I THINK I PLAYED THAT OFF OKAY ?!! oh my god . I'm actually fangirling over this guy I've know since 6th grade. But I'm still shocked he talked to me !

"Hey! I totally just saw that ! " "OMG ALY ! HE ASKED FOR MY NUMBER !" Aly was basically one of my best friends. "WHAT ?! DID YOU GIVE IT TO HIM!?" "no... I told him he'll have to try harder than that." "Why would you do that ?! " " So he won't think I'm easy !" "Whatever .. Well go before your late !" "Oh yea... See ya b."

Now I have to run to class ... Thank god it's already 6th period . But that means I have Mr.Styles . Everybody wanted him. Almost every girl in school was all over him. I mean I think he's hot but I'm not gunna try to flirt or anything.. That would just be weird considering he's Jess's friend. Jess is my brother but he's only 3 years older than me , so that makes Mr.Styles really young. But Im failing & I have to ask him about extra credit.

Finally' class is over ... I just wanna get this over with and get home.

Me; Mr.styles ?
Mr.Styles; hey Ariana. What's up ?
Me; I was wondering what I could do to bring up my grade .
Mr.Styles; oh yes ... There is no extra work I could give you... But you could stay after school and help me with grading and stuff .
Me; ok thank you so much.

That was weird ... He kept smiling at me . But thank god. Now all I have to do is wait for the bus to come. "Hey !" I turn to see Nash. My hearts pounding again... Why am I so nervous ?!?

Me; hey .
Nash; what's up ?
Me; just waiting for the bus.
Nash; same .
Me; ... What bus do you ride ?
Nash; 49. You ?
Me; oh so you live in blanco vista ? & 25
Nash; yes & you live in post oak ?
Nash said that with a smile. Now my heart is just RACING . Then I realized I was standing there really quiet and awkward .

Nash; well my bus is here .. Are you busy today ?
Me; um' I don't think so . Why ?
Nash; do you wanna hang out ?

IM DEAD ! He just asked me to hang out !!! AHHH!!

Me; sure .
Nash; okay... Here ...

He grabbed his phone and handed it to me . I typed in my number & put Ariana with a heart next to it . He saw it and smiled and he waved bye. I still can't believe I pulled that off.

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