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I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry *bowing* I know I haven't published in forever when I said I was going to publish a new chapter so I'm sorry guys please forgive me T-T.

I am sleeping peacefully when I am startled awake. When I hear Amaimon shout in my head. "Wake up Rin! You're late for training!"

Groaning I yawn tiredly rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Alright I'll be right there."

I pause when I feel something wrapped tightly around my waist. As my hand is touching something warm. Blinking I look around to see that Bon is asleep in my bed. His arms wrapped securely around my waist. While my hand had some how found its way up his shirt. I blush deeply as I remember everything that happen yesterday. 

Very carefully I manage to wiggle my way out of his hold without waking him. Heading to my closet I quickly change into my training clothes.

 Heading to my closet I quickly change into my training clothes

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I am about to leave when I stop at the door. Glancing back at Bon I decided to leave him a note. Heading over to my desk I pull out a pen and pad. Quickly I write down where I went picking up the pad I set it down on the nightstand where he can see it. Leaning down over his sleeping form I smile softly as I kiss him before leaving. 

Heading down the hall my torches light up as I pass. Making sure to keep them dimmed as it is still very early so everyone is still asleep in bed. Getting to the training room I light it up brightly, so we can all see. "About time you got here Rin. We have been waiting forever."

Baring my teeth I let out a low growl before sticking my tongue out at Iblis. That's when I notice that Samuel is missing. "Azazel where is Samuel?"

"He is in Assiah again."

"Either way even if he was in Gehenna you know he still wouldn't show."

I shrug my shoulders as Lucifer reminds me that Samuel hates training. With that we all pair off Azazel refusing to let me train with Iblis, Astaroth, or Amaimon. As we would end up destroying the castle again, so I pair up with Azazel. While Astaroth pairs up with Lucifer. Iblis going with Egyn and Beelzebub being with Amaimon. All of us being matched with someone who can counter the other's powers. After figuring out who our sparing partner we head onto the mats. First we start off with hand to hand combat with no powers. 

We do this for two hours before we start to use our powers. Azazel had taken me down a few times with no powers. But now that we are using our powers we are easily matched. As my powers are a lot stronger than Azazel's. Though Azazel is much older than me making him more skilled and knowledgeable. His centuries of experience balancing out my raw power.

My tail thrashes excitedly behind me, but I quickly pull it in close. As a demon's tail is their weakest spot as my father and brothers always keep their tail hidden except for Astaroth. As he finds it as uncomfortable and stiff as I do.

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