362 Years

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Rin's P.O.V.

Getting up from bed Kuro jumps on to my shoulders curling around me as I head out onto my balcony. Looking out at my kingdom I can't help, but smile. The kingdom of shadows my realm as I am the Demon King of Shadows. Scratching behind Kuro's ear he lets out a purr. "What do you want to do today Kuro?"

"Play play play!"

Laughing I smooth his fur trying to calm him down. "Okay okay hold on let me get changed first."

Jumping off me he runs over to my bed curling up in the center. Sliding on a black shirt I pair it a dark pair of jeans. Putting on a dark grey denim jacket I join it with black and white convers. Adjusting my tail I place my hand over my heart where the koma sword rests within me. "Come on Kuro lets go."

Standing on the ledge of my balcony I jump from it into my kingdom as Kuro transforms into his true from. Running of into the shadowy forest of my kingdom Kuro chases after me. Ending up in Egyn's kingdom I decide to head up to his castle. Only to find Iblis and Amiamon there instead. "Iblis Amiamon what are you guys doing here?"

"Father sent us to check on all the kingdoms it seems the exorcists have managed to catch a Demon King, but we didn't know who it was till now."

"Wait you mean it was Egyn who was captured."

"It would seem, so which means we have to get him back younger brother."

Feeling my flame burning underneath my skin I nod. Rolling up my sleeve I use my claws to slash my arm. "Offering ud zes royal demonic xhaeaeg uza iq qae aedar o koqa qae Assiah."

Once a decent am out of my blood pools on the floor a gate opens and we walk through it determined to get our brother back no matter the cost.

Bon's P.O.V.

The last thing I remember is Rin yelling my name as I was swallowed by crystal. When it encased me fully I began to feel tired and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't keep my eyes open. But now I can as I hear my crystal prison cracking. 'It must be Rin.'

When I am finally freed from the crystal we are all taken to the infirmary. The doctors draw blood and check us for injuries. After waiting for what feels forever I finally decide to ask a nurse what everyone is thinking. "Hey where's Rin?"


"Yeah Rin Okumura."

As soon as I say his name she tensions up and looks at me. "Why would you want to know where that demon is?"

We all look at her in shock at the fear and venom in her voice. I want to ask her more, but then our doctor comes in. "Well I have good new and I have bad news."

"What's the good news?"

"Well seems that you all are in perfect health."

"Then what is the bad news."

"Well I hate to say this, but you have been in those crystals for 362 years."


"What about my brother Rin? What happen to him?"

Like the nurse he tensions, but unlike her he doesn't say a word he just leaves.

Four months have passed since we have awaken. We still can't find any info about Rin. We have also been retraining in the new ways of the exorcists. One of the few perks of being trapped in the crystal and waking up in the future are the advancements in exorcists equipment. But also the fact that we had aged in the crystal till we turned twenty-one. Being frozen in the time at our second year in adulthood. Meaning whatever the crystal did to use we will forever be twenty-one. Which also means we will at least never die of old age.

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