Chapter 6

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Alexandria's P.O.V.

I wake up hearing someone say "Oh my god, they look so cute, quick take a picture", I remember the voice, its my mom, and just then I hear a click. I open my eyes to see my mom and dad. "What are you doing in my room?" I ask annoyed, and my dad replies with "We came back a few minutes ago, and we decided to check on you, then your mother saw you and your friends like that and she wanted to take a picture", as my dad said that he put his phone away. I sat up and felt my arm slip away from holding someone, I look to my left to see Gardenia resting her head on Jacks chest as she slept, I do that sometimes to, it is a comfort thing. Laying down with a person you love or care about, if it is for love you want to hear thier heart beat and think that it beats just for you, out of fear you hear the heart beat, reasuring you that you have someone with you, someone that loves you, knowing that the person will protect you and go out of thier way to keep you safe and happy, it is a great feeling.

I then look at Jack, he doesnt really look like he is sleeping, he also has a look of discomfort on his face, my parents leave and when they do I poke Jack in the side, and all he says is "What?". "You look uncomfortable, are you okay?" I ask, "Not really , my back is killing me, I have stayed in this position for who knows how long, and I got a cramp. The only reason I stay like this is to keep Gardenia comftorable, and I refuse to move" Jack said, before I could say anything Jack's phone rang, he looked at me and told me to answer it. I grabbed Jack's phone and answered.
"Hello?" I ask.
"Who the hell is this" Mr. Monroe said
"Hello Mr. Monroe, this is Alexandria, Jack's girlfriend. Jack couldnt get to his phone so he told me to answer it. If you have to tell Jack something than tell me and I will tell him for you" I said.
"Tell Jack I want him and Gardenia home right now, I got off work early and when I came home my wife told me that Jack and Gardenia had left for your house. He failed his biology test and he is supposed to study" Mr. Monroe said. Jack is a great student, he is very smart, but he aint to good in biology, I dont know his grade in biology, I think Jack said his grade was a D.
"Do you think Jack can stay here and study, I have the text books" I said.
"Maybe next time, but I want Jack and Gardenia home now" Mr. Monroe said, and then he hung up.

I sighed and looked at Jack, he just stared at me with a curious look, then I said "Your father wants you and Gardenia home now, he said you were supposed to study, and he sounds angry", "He always is" Jack said as he gently shook Gardenia to wake her up, "Huh... what?" Gardenia groaned, "Come on, we have to get home, Dad is angry" Jack said, "Now I dont wanna go, when dad is angry he yells" Gardenia said, "If he yells at you then I will yell at him" Jack said, "What if dad throws you out?" Gardenia said with worry in her voice, thier dad has threatened to throw out Jack before, saying "You are old enough to find your own place, and if you dont like it here then leave", Jack replied to Gardenia with "I dont think mom would allow it, and besides, if he did, I would find some place to go" , "You could always stay here with me" I said to Jack. Jack smiled, sat up and kissed me, "Aw thats cute, you two are a cute couple" Gardenia said, Jack smiled at Gardenia and stood up and Gardenia stood up a few moments later. Gardenia hugged me and left with Jack.

I sighed and sat down, then I sat up quickly cause I felt pain, then I remembered what had happened. I dont know why, it was supposed to hurt me, but I kinda liked it. I smiled as I walked over to my closet, I dont know why I am smiling. I decide to pick out my outfit for tomorrow, what shall I wear.... Ah! Yes, this will do, a lavender dress and black heels, perfect.

I walk over to my window after closing the closet door, I look out the window, I was about to open it and get some fresh air, but then I saw something that terified me, I couldnt tell if it was a bee or a wasp or hornet... I think it is a hornet, it was on the indise of the screen, how did it get there? IfI can control myself I can walk away and not try to kill. I look at my bottle of hair spray, if the wings get wet it wont fly, and I am positive that the fumes would kill it. If I can remember hornets and wasps sting for no reason, same with white faced hornets, though bees wont sting you unless you give them reason. I decided to walk away and leave it... ah fuck it.
        I grab my hair spray and open my window, I instantly start spraying and it until it falls, just to be sure it is dead I take one of my shoes and squish it, just then two more hornets landed on the outside of the screen to the window. I let out a yelp as I see them, I quickly grab a tissue and pick up the dead wasp, then I close the window. I walk into the bathroom with the dead hornet and throw it in the trash, then I walk back into my room. It is so stuffy, I sigh and close the curtains. I turn on my giant fan, maybe that will help. I sit down on my bed and I wince. I decided to watch TV. As I watch I start to wonder if Jack is home yet and is studying.

Love story of Alexandria and JackWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu