Chapter 7

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Jack's P.O.V.

I quietly opened the door and softly closed it so dad wouldnt hear. After five seconds and hearing nothing I told Gardenia to go upstairs and play with her Gameboy, I never understand why she likes to play mine, maybe she prefers flame red over pearl blue. I sighed softly as I walked past the living room to get to the kitchen where I am supposed to sit at the counter and study. When I walked past the living room I saw dad and mom on the couch watching TV and before I could make it to the kitchen my dad said "You were supposed to be studying, not hanging out with your girlfriend, I said you could only go out in the morning to see her, not the entire day". I look at the clock on the TV and see that it reads 4:37, so I just sigh and walk into the kitchen to study for something I dont have to, because if I wanted to, I could easily pass biology..
        I hate my bio teacher, she is such a bitch. She never listens, always yells and never lets you finish a sentance, she always interupts, I even remember a time when she admitted that she didnt listen.

3 months ago
"Its your fault you dont have any information. You were down in the computer lab for 15 minutes and you should have been working" Miss Miller said, not even looking at Jack.
"It is your fault you didnt listen to me, I told you I couldnt log in to the computer and when I was finally able to the damn mouse didnt work, I told you a million times and there were no other computers left. Did you even listen?" Jack snapped, "No I didnt" Miss Miller snapped back. "You are a total bitch and you are a fucking terrible teacher. How do you expect your students to listen to you when you cant even listen to them" Jack snapped. "Go to the principals office right now!" Miss Miller yelled, Jack stood up and grabbed his bag saying "That works out fine with me, see you in hell bitch". Jack got suspended for two weeks.

Present day
Ever since that day I have decided I am going to be a total bastard to the teacher and fail the class. Everyone smiles when I fight with the teacher because she always loses and is not allowed to swear at her students. Everybody else hates the teacher and most people when they see me walk into class before the teacher is there they always say "Give that bitch hell", almost everybody hates the teacher. I also fail just to make my dad angry, he is a bastard who is always angry and yells when ever mom is not around, sometimes I think I hate him. I sit down at the counter with my text book and open the book to the right page and start reading what I already know. After awhile I decide to stop reading and just daydream while making it look like I am studying.

After about an hour I decided I have wasted enough of my time and I close my book and head upstairs. I walk into my room and sigh, I would play my Gameboy, but Gardenia broke it. I walk over to my bed and before I could sit down I notice something on my blue pillow. It is Gardenia's Gameboy, I didnt notice it at first because it is the same color as my pillow. I grab the Gameboy and inspect it for a bit before I decide to return it. The Gameboy is perfect, a nice pearl blue and none of the paint is scratched or chipped. Gardenia almost never plays it because she prefers to play mine, I think it is because she prefers red over blue. I sit up from my bed and walk down the hall to Gardenia's room. I knock 4 times, thats how she knows its me, everybody else knocks 3 times, I do 4. After a few seconds Gardenia opens the door and asks why I have bothered her, I look at the book in her hand and understand why she is sounding all miffed. All the time when I am reading if anyone wants to bother me for some reason it is always right at the good part, maybe I disturbed Gardenia while she was either getting to or reading the good part, so I decide to make this fast.

"Why was your Gameboy in my room?" I ask, Gardenia simply shrugs and says "Well I felt bad that I broke yours so I decided to give you mine, I almost never play it so it is in perfect condition". I smile and pat Gardenia's head and say "That is sweet, but you have already paid for your crime, so I am not going to take your Gameboy, it is yours... But I do want to play it sometimes". Gardenia just stares at me for a moment like she is unsure of what to do, but after about 10 seconds she takes her Gameboy back and says "Okay, if you are sure you dont want it, and you can play it when ever you want". I smile and walk away back to my room, I will just watch TV. I have a TV in my room because my mom said since I have had straight A's since grade 5 I deserve a TV, my dad didnt think so but he didnt argue with mom. Gardenia has a TV in her room as well because mom didnt think it was Fair that I had one and Gardenia didnt, so me and Gardenia both have a TV in our rooms.

I sit on my bed and grab my remote and I turn the TV on and find the channel that plays Supernatural, I love that show. I watch TV till 5 then I decide it is time I cook supper, I usually cook so my mom doesnt have to, I am a pretty good cook too, I think I might be better than my mom. After supper I take a shower and head to bed, tomorrow is sunday, first day of the week, which is why I never understand why there is no school on sunday, the weekend days should be friday and saturday, not saturday and sunday. I have trouble sleeping, so I decide to watch TV till I fall asleep, I dont fall asleep till after midnight.

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