Chapter 8

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Jack's P.O.V.

I wake up around 9, I groan and try to sit up but I realize someone has their head resting on my chest, I instantly know it is Gardenia. When ever Gardenia has a nightmare she comes to me, she wakes me up, talks about the nightmare and then falls asleep with me so she wont be so scared, I guess I must have been sleeping very deep and she couldnt wake me to tell me about the nightmare. Gardenia can be quite childish sometimes... Well, very childish, and that is why she finds comfort with her big brother thinking he can make everything go away or make things better. I dont want to move because I could wake up Gardenia, so I just reach for my phone so I can text Alexandria and tell her to come over, she says she always wakes up at 8 at the latest so I thought she would like to come over.

Jack: You awake?
Alexandria: Yup.
Jack: Wanna come over?
Alexandria: Sure <3, I'll be over soon.

I close my phone, I dont live that far from Alexandria so it shouldnt take to long for her to get here. While I wait for Alex I decide to watch some TV, I turn the volume so slow so that I can barely hear it, I dont want to wake Gardenia, when Alex gets here then I will wake her.

Alexandria's P.O.V.

I walk up to Jack's house and I knock on the door, I would walk right in because Jack and Gardenia's mother love me and she said I can walk in at any time but since it is morning and I dont think anyone left or entered the door must be locked. Mrs. Monroe answers the door, she smiles and says "Hello Alexandria. You could have walked in you know, the door was unlocked. Kenny left a little while ago and he didnt lock the door". I return the smile and walk inside, "You know where Jack's room is, though please be quiet, I think Gardenia is still sleeping" Mrs. Monroe said, "Okay" I said as I walked up the stairs gently.
        I made my way to Jack's room and knocked on the door softly, then I hear a quiet "Come in". I walked in and smiled at the sight I saw. Gardenia was lieing with her head on Jack's chest as she slept peacefully. Jack gently shook Gardenia, she picked her head up and shook it a little, then she stared at Jack and said "Sorry, I had a nightmare and got scared", "Wanna talk about it?" Jack asked, Gardenia nodded and said "I was being tortured, they were cutting out my tounge and I choked on my blood and died. The worst part is I could feel myself suffocation and I could feel them cutting out my tounge, it was excruciating". Jack hugged Gardenia and said "Well its all over now". Gardenia nodded, got up and said "I will leave now so you two can have your time", "You dont have to leave" Jack and I said at the same time, quickly I said "Jinx! You owe me a soda", I do that all the time but Jack knows I never mean it, besides, I dont like soda, if Jack does take it seriously then he buys me a juice. Jack rolls his eyes and says "I was planning on playing a game with Alex, you can watch or you can play with us" Jack said, "What game do you have that is 3 player?" Gardenia asked, "Super smash bros melee" Jack said.

In a little while Jack, Gardenia and I were picking characters for the battle, Gardenia is Zelda, I am Samus and Jack is Fox. While Jack was deciding what character to pick he looked at Zelda on the screen and said said "Zelda? Really? She doesnt really look like a fighter". During the fight Gardenia was messing around with the buttons and she ended up turning Zelda into Sheik, and Sheik was pretty powerful and Gardenia ended up winning. We kept fighting and after Jack had switched his character to Link we had kept the characters we picked and we kept fighting for about an hour. After awhile Gardenia got tired and said she just wanted to watch, Jack wasnt really up to playing either and he said he would rather watch me play games, he gave my an option to play Super smash bros melee on single mode or I can play Legend of Zelda twilight princess or Star fox adventures, I chose Star fox because that sounded the most interesting.

I played for awhile, when it came to the part where I had to race the Sharpclaws and get to Prince Tricky I couldnt do it, so Jack showed me a trick on how to beat the race. I go over this little snowy hill like thing and it pushes me pretty far ahead, then I get into the ice cave and turn so that my vehicle thingy is blocking the way, then the sharp claws drive into me and after every hit they take damage until eventually they die, once they all died I continued to race with out the Sharpclaws bothering me. I love playing this game, it is so much fun, I continued to play until I got to dark ice mines, then I decided I wanted to play twilight princess. I played until I defeated the forest temple, then I got tired of playing video games. I was terrible at those games and it took me awhile, so now it is 1:09. I was tired and wanted to sleep, I dont know why but I am getting tired all the time and all I want to do is sleep, Gardenia left awhile ago, Jack looked at me and said "Wanna take a nap?" , I just nodded, and when I did Jack picked me up bridal style and carried me over to his bed and set me down, then he lied down next to me, wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, I soon fell asleep with the love of my life in my arms.

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